Thursday, September 24, 2015


My most unfavorite thing is kidney stones. I have SUCH sympathy for anyone who deals with them! I've been blessed to live in an age where you can have mulitple lithotripsies to prevent them from killing you off, haha! Everything you hear about them is true... 

In all the bad news my MRIs have brought, I couldn't help but rejoice that my kidney stones were staying the same size and NOT moving! FABULOUS news!

While I was reading Ether 2 in the Book of Mormon the other morning the last couple verses jumped out at me. The brother of Jared and the Lord are having a planning meeting about the courageous voyage they are about to embark on in tiny little dark boats for an extended period of time, submerged in the blackness of the depths of the sea.

The answer..... was STONES! 

The Lord has prepared me for "crossing this great deep... the waves and winds... even a flood" of trials by giving me kidney stones! Who could ever have thought something good could come of that constant unrelenting pain that lasts for hours. That great King of Heaven and Earth, my Lord and Savior, unto whom I completely "commend myself"  knew! (Ether 6:4)

I pray that I will be "found faithful" at my last day. (Ether 4:19)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Worker's Seal

The Worker's Seal 
We know very little about the Savior's pre-ministry career other than that he was referred to as a carpenter and a carpenter's son. Calloused hands he most assuredly had.
Recently at the airport, while watching my nephew return home from his mission, I was struck by how absolutely worn out and worn through his shoes were as he stepped off the plane.
The world has need of willing men (women and youth) who wear the 'worker's seal' (Hymn #252, Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel). What is the worker's seal? Is it calloused hands, worn out shoes or could it be the tired expression found on a mother's face from caring for a sick child through the night? The seal can be represented in countless ways. 

Opportunities to demonstrate a willingness to work are all about us. The Farmington Utah North Stake of Zion has an abundance of faithful members with helping hands. Time after time, when needs arise, brethren, sisters, and youth step up and serve. They constantly show their dedication to lift where they stand, sacrificing their time, talents and what they have.
We express our gratitude to you who respond to the invitations to serve people in need, whether here, at home, or throughout the world. Welfare service assignments are truly sanctifying for those who are willing and able. President J. Reuben Clark Jr. taught: "The real long term objective of the Welfare Plan is the building of character in the members of the Church, givers and receivers, rescuing all that is finest down deep inside of them, and bringing to flower and fruitage the latent richness of the spirit, which after all is the mission and purpose and reason for being of this church." (Handbook 2 6.1.2)

President David O. Mckay stated that a primary purpose of the Welfare Plan of the Church is to "increase among the members of the Church the true spirit of the brotherhood of Christ, having in mind in all their service the divine saying, 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.'” (Matt. 25:40)

During this month of September, many members will be asked to work at the the Kaysville Deseret Mill and Pasta Plant. It will require a significant sacrifice of time and energy to fulfill these assignments. Character and brotherhood will increase as the worker's seal is exemplified by the wonderful saints in our community. Thank you to all those who are able to serve. As you put your shoulder to the wheel and push along rich blessings will follow. 

Michael L. Beus, Farmington Utah North Stake