Monday, July 18, 2016

Grand Thoughts

I have a dear friend, Lauri Pratt, who always calls her grandkids "The Grands" and I've picked it up. It's the perfect word! It's always grand to spend time with these grand little people! 

A couple months ago I was able to go on a bike ride with my wonderful 10 year old grandson. Cruising along under a gorgeous canopy of spring green trees, he graciously kept pace with his slow-cycling Nana as we chatted about life.

He has known of my cancer since he was 7 and has prayed for me many times. The setting was inspiring and peaceful and I loved having him all to myself. We talked of school and sports until he sweetly asked, "So Nana, are you all better now?"

How do you answer that? Many options jumped into my mind... but I took the easy way out:

"Yes, I feel great today! It's been wonderful to be able to do all the fun things we've done this weekend. I'm so grateful for all your prayers and all the family's prayers. I feel 100% as good as I can feel!"

Then I felt guilty for glossing over the unknown future and said, "But I also know that sometimes things don't happen the way we'd like them to and I want to be happy with whatever Heavenly Father has in store for me. If I have cancer because I'm going to learn something important for me to learn then I want to have courage and be strong - strong enough to learn what I am supposed to learn. If God is trying to teach me patience or tolerance or to endure to the end.... then I want to learn those qualities and become a better person. I wouldn't tell God PLEASE don't teach me patience or tolerance! I would just pray to be able to learn quickly, haha!"

He kind of chuckled and nodded his head. I'm not sure he really understood but it was so grand to have a chance to express my thoughts to him. And if he faces something difficult someday, which is highly likely, for all of us, I hope he thinks of our conversation and finds the courage to learn what he's supposed to learn.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Grace to Walk

Bountiful Temple - family photo
I've been tired lately. I never know if it's MS or Melanoma and really, it doesn't matter. I just have to keep going as long as I can. I'm dreading the day I am too tired or too sick to keep pushing forward. 

One thing I really look forward to is going to the temple and feeling peace. I love doing sealings for my ancestors and hearing the promised blessings for eternal families. I remember what the Savior has provided for us and it comforts me. I prayed as I drove, "Heavenly Father, I am so tired. Please help me to feel strengthened and able to cheerfully serve today." 

I took advantage of the few minutes I had before the session started to go into the exquisitely beautiful Celestial Room for some quiet time. I picked up the Book of Mormon on the table next to me and opened it up randomly, something I often do to see if Heavenly Father has any special message for me. My eyes fell upon this verse:

"I know, in the strength of the Lord thou canst do all things." (Alma 20:4)

I had no doubt that scripture was specifically for me to read that day, another witness that He is aware of all of us and our needs. I have a testimony that he is ever mindful of us in our times of need, trials and challenges. A quote from one of my favorite songs by Building 429, "You Carried Me"

"I stand only because You've given me grace to walk"

Click here to listen to You Carried Me

I've been so busy, I missed the reasons 
I missed Your love, and I nearly missed it all 
Still You've loved me, and You've healed me 
You've given all and it brought me to Your cross

I stand only because You've given me grace to walk, 
Only because 

You carried me, You carried me 
You carried me through it all 
And I believe, Yes I believe 
You'll carry me all the way home 
Cause mercy covers all 

I know the scripture, I've known the songs 
I sang the words from my hollowed heart 
But You've spoken softly through the storm 
I've heard Your voice and I've felt the calm 

I stand only because You've given me faith to walk,
Only because 

I know that you love me 
I'll never doubt it, I can't live without it 
Your mercy has found me 
I am astounded, I can't live without it