Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Through Christ, All is Well

Two years ago, my beautiful niece experienced the loss of infant twins. Though their time on earth was painfully short, it was yet infinite in impact. In a hospital nursery full of wires, tubes and beeping machines, she and her husband navigated the complicated situations with faith and a calmness unparalleled. With time, her perspective has become even more deeply poignant. With her permission, I wanted to share her sweet testimony with anyone needing comfort and reassurance. This is Holly:


    This Christmas season I've been thinking about my angels. This one, in particular. He truly was the closest thing to an angel I've ever experienced. He was perfect to me and he makes me want to be a better friend, mom, wife and daughter. Today my heart was breaking and all of the crushing feelings have come back full force. But - as I took Hank to the cemetery to visit his little brothers - he wanted me to read the back of the headstone "out loud." 

A little time on earth they spent,
'Til God for them His angels sent.
And someday with them we shall dwell,
Because through CHRIST - all is well.

Peace rushes in. Isn't it amazing and so comforting to know that all the hardships, trials, losses, sorrows, pains, burdens... EVERYTHING will be made right. Everything. All because of Him. I am so grateful for Him and for a season to rejoice in the Newborn King who made it possible for me to be with mine again.
                                                                              - Holly Dustin Richins, December 2016

Family Photo 2014