Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love Is My Currency - Happy Valentine's Day 2018

I've come to the end of the road, the medical road that is. Everything that could be medically done, has been done. We just have to manage the pain and side effects of the cancer until it wins. My angel husband is my hospice caregiver and I can't thank him enough for choosing me to be his Valentine over 40 years ago. I also can't apologize enough for the roughness of the road he has had to walk with me. I pray for his strength every day.

Celebrating my last day of radiation, my friend and I went to Hugs, my favorite place to get frozen drinks. This sweet young woman with a beautiful smile has created whatever drink sounds good to me for the last couple months when I stop by. Today, Danielle made me a frozen strawberry lemonade and without even knowing it was my last day, wouldn't let me pay for our order! What a great example of an earthly angel sharing God's love! I LOVE HER BACK!

My 'graduation' present from Huntsman radiation was a hand tied blanket from Mrs. Badgers 5th grade classroom. 

"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within" 
- Maya Angelou 

was a very fitting quote. Just look at Danielle's face to see her light!

Same with my very creative angel friend Lorraine. She read my blog and sent a homemade Valentine card to brighten my day. It did! The amazing thing about Lorraine is that her husband has been fighting cancer too! About exactly the same length of time! We have shared thoughts and encouragement along the way, rejoicing in the extra time we've been given and sharing the sorrows along the way as well. She knows first hand what demons we've faced. It feels good to have her company, along with the many other friends who have faced terrific uphill battles with unflinching courage. I have been very blessed to love and be loved by some of the finest people on the planet.

Coming out of Target on Valentine's Day 2017 
I met an earthly angel passing out "love" to the passersby. She handed me a card that said, "Be Love" Just that... Be love. She's speaking my language! Giving love is all I can do sometimes!

It has been many years since I've had a paycheck for the work I do... and I'm always excited on those rare occasions when I have cash in my wallet... but it seems I have an unlimited supply of love and it doesn't matter how much love I extend, when I open my heart, there is always more! 

In the Doctrine and Covenants 76:52--60 God says that he will shed the light of the Holy Spirit of Promise over ALL who are just and true, that He will cleanse ALL who obey and come unto Him. (v. 55) "They are they into whose hands the Father has given ALL things. (v. 59) "Wherefore ALL things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come. 

How can Heavenly Father give us ALL, ALL that He has? We live in a "finite" world. It is hard for our mortal minds to comprehend this principle because there is a beginning and an end to almost everything we know. There is only so much of this world's goods so we exchange our money for the material things we needThere is only so much time in a day so we watch the clock as we stand in line and take our turn. 

My homemade peach pie!

There is only so much pie for dessert! We cut the pie into even pieces and serve to all present but imagine there is NO END to the pies we have! Imagine that time, a 24 hour day as we know it, doesn't exist. Now THAT will be heaven. 

Love is my unending currency... Divinely bestowed... The BEST! Although my time on this earth is becoming very limited, Heavenly Father has filled my heart over and over again... with love. I've been given sincere love in my heart for my family, friends and even those who are difficult to love. I often pray before going somewhere that I can bring God's love with me in a way that the people I interact with can feel God's love for them THROUGH me. 

The wonderful thing is that I have a lot of people in my life who feel the same way! Who could be happier? What job could be better? How long can I do this? Why not believe I can do this long as it takes.... that's the beauty of it. As long as it takes...