Thursday, April 26, 2018

Find Rest

Today I just want to thank my Heavenly Father for the amazing body He's given me to travel through mortality with! It's incredible! Tumors the size of ping pong balls growing in my neck, left arm and leg are clearly visible. They don't bother me as much as my right hand, swollen with edema and constantly tingling with neuropathy does. Although the latest scans show multiple tumors, ranging in size from peas to plums throughout my organs and soft tissue, the King of causing pain is the throbbing tumor in my right hip. Mercifully, the doctor is able to mitigate the pain and help me "find rest" with stronger meds.  Assuring me there is no limit to how high we can go, he confesses that he is shocked and surprised that I am still mentally clear thinking and coherent at the present dosage. Fortunately, I can still care for my physical needs, allowing me to having hospice at home and be cared for by my sisters and children. I'm also grateful for wheelchairs and walkers and drivers as I navigate the world of disabilities. I've learned that everyone is so kind.

In spite of my body's amazing ability to recover and adapt to pain, the laws of nature irrevocably decree that some day I will finally slip through death's door and this trial will end.  Most will say, "Oh, I'm so happy for her!" and some will even say, "Well, it's about time!" ...but I can tell you that NO ONE will feel more grateful that the roller coaster of suffering is over than I will. I'm so grateful for the knowledge that even though my spirit and body will be separated for a time, because of Jesus Christ and the Atonement, they will be reunited in a celestial, immortal being that I will consider the biggest blessing and miracle of all. 

My prayers are full of gratitude for the wonderful time I've had with family and friends. Last President's Day we were ALL here and had the opportunity to take a complete (for now, March 2018) family picture.

I ask for heaven's blessings for all those who pray for me and those who are struggling with problems and those who lead the nations and those who lead our church and those who lead children. I NEVER pray that my life will be extended and yet still... here I am?!?! Another Easter celebrated with family! Sing Hallelujah! I love this version by Kenneth Cope...

When I'm SO tired of riding this roller coaster 
I like to listen to Find Rest
Put your HOPE in God.

Francesca Battistelli

Find Rest Lyrics
He never sleeps, He never slumbers
He's been awake at every hour
No tear catches Him by surprise
He's never lost, He never runs out
He never lives in the shadows of doubt
No fear catches Him by surprise

Find rest my soul
Put your hope in God
Put your hope, put your hope in God

He always is, He always will be
He always has been everything I need
How can this be catching me by surprise
He's ever strong, He's ever faithful
His love is real, now nothing is impossible
'Cause nothing catches Him by surprise


I close my eyes, and I can see
The arms of mercy holding me
I close my eyes, and I can see
The arms of Jesus holding me


Put your hope in God
Put your hope in God