Sunday, December 29, 2013


So my beautiful daughter is home from her LDS Mission and loves running into people so dear to her. This week we were out doing errands and ran into her ballroom teacher. The joy and rejoicing was immediate but short-lived. Someone very important to her had chosen not to remain within the church structure that forms her life. Anti-Mormon literature, designed to sow seeds of doubt into the very most elect members, had slowly influenced their testimony and they longer felt they had one. My daughter had experienced some of this herself in the last months of her mission and it was very fresh on her mind. They marveled at how doubts had been fed and nurtured at the expense of the forever known.

The very fact that the Book of Mormon exists is proof enough. No wonder it is called the "keystone" of our religion. I love reading it and never fail to find comfort, reassurance and frequent encouragement to make my life resemble Christ's more closely. How can that be bad?

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