Future Sister Missionaries added a wonderful dimension |
28- March 1, 2014
Purpose: Assist the church's "Hastening” efforts by preparing the youth for missionary service
Friday - Stake Center
5:30 Prayer Meeting for all leaders
6:00 Youth Check In, Name Tags,
Available Pen, Note pads
*Note assigned areas for luggage drops
off at check in for Friday & Saturday
6:15 Mission Conference – Mission
President (Elder Kopischke) (Chapel)
7:15 Visit the World: 9 Rooms
assigned for cultural presentations
Taste of the food,
Culture, Language, fun experiences……
7:35 Youth rotate
to other rooms for second cultural experience
8:00 Sack Lunch - Dinner Break for overnight kids/excuse Deacons & Beehives to
kitchen for ice cream and then return to their homes.
8:15 Move to “Zone Conf” meeting rooms for companionship
assignments (4 rooms):
(Elder Kopischke/Stake Pres to make assignments prior)
8:40 “MTC” Study Class: Teaching the Joseph Smith Story,
Teaching skill development
MTC room assignments on the youth's badge – Small group training
9:30 Depart to
‘Apartments’ with companions
10:00 Personal Study
10:30 Companion
Prayer-Lights out
Saturday - Stake
6:30 Arise,
Shower, Shave Personal Study
7:30 Arrive at Zone
Conference - Greet and Direct to Breakfast
8:00 Zone Conference
Welcome – Mission President (In the Chapel)
8:30 Study
Class/Lesson Plan (Preach My Gospel) - MTC room assignments
9:15 Tract-Teach-Testify-Invite
Various Rooms/
Volunteer "Investigators" - Older missionaries in the Stake
Use all three chapel buildings to accommodate youth "missionaries"
10:00 Stop teaching
and shuttle kids back to stake center
10:15 Testimony
Meeting (4 rooms – Stake Presidency and Elder Kopischke)
11:30 Closing-Mission
President (Chapel)
Youth were "called" to nine different missions and rotated to two different "cultural" experiences presented by newly returned missionaries who brought authentic enthusiasm. |
Sack Dinners were distributed to the overnight "Elders and Sisters" before they left for their host family's homes. |
Host families brought them back from their "apartments" for an early breakfast |
Record amounts of food prepared and served - just a taste of the MTC |
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Overnight luggage assigned to drop offs |
"Investigators" provided tracting experiences |
"Can we share a message of hope and happiness with you?" |
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Handed these schedules out to youth and leaders - quarter cardstock sheets with a map on the back |
Such a cool activity! I think that's something that will help them throughout their whole life!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and commenting Kim! Sure love you! XO