Saturday, November 16, 2013

Adam and Eve's Clothing

I've been enjoying a book called "Your Endowment" by Mark Shields and thought of something I never have before. When Adam and Eve were given animal skins as garments to cover their nakedness, it is not improbable to think that the animals would have probably been "sacrificed" to provide coverings for them… It is also not improbable that was probably a "type" of the sacrifice of the Atonement, right?! I just had the thought that it might have been lambs!!! Lambskin is SO soft it would make sense... and how poignant would it be to think about Adam and Eve knowing the lamb from the time spent in the Garden of Eden? 

But if you think about it, we ALL know "The Lamb" as our Elder Brother. The book talks about how the whole LDS temple ceremony points to our Savior and teaches of the Atonement, and that everything is symbolic. I am looking forward to seeing more meaning in the symbols as I attend.