Friday, November 1, 2013

Relationships Have Risks

We sit side by side in the same room, listening to the same things, and hear it so differently.  As the competent and caring cancer specialist spells out the numbers and their meaning, I hear the 80% chance of me surviving 10 years but my physician husband hears the 20% chance of me dying in 10 years. The specialist shows us a graph of my 10 yr survival chances so we can have a visual. I see how close the line is to the top of the page but he sees ANY space between my death and his life continuing beyond that as a vast Sahara desert.... still too much risk to ever be comfortably peaceful again. I wish I could calm his fears... but he knows so much... so much more of death and unexpected outcomes than I ever will.

As the doctor is speaking to us, my mind leaves to explore other paths. I wonder at everyone's desire to stay on the earth when if we truly believe what we are taught as toddlers, that life is INFINITELY better on the other side, (I mean that IS why we call it Heaven...) then why do people fight so hard to stay here?

I look down at his hand holding mine and think, “Oh... the unknown distance between the joining of hearts and hands again. That, I do understand....”

I also wonder what makes men wear bowties...

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