Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hinderment is Hazardous

While we are on the earth, our bodies form a protective shield for our imperfect thoughts as we grow and mature, but it also prevents us from knowing why and how a person came to feel and believe the way they do. The spirit is the only way we can understand the "feelings and context" of others. 

There are many ways to say the same thing, just as there are many ways to infer what a person is implying. We can use "compassionate language" and "compassionate thought" by cultivating the influence of the Holy Ghost in our dealings with our fellow travelers within and without the church. 

"I bear humble witness that we can "minister grace" through compassionate language when the cultivated gift of the Holy Ghost pierces our hearts with empathy for the feelings and context of others. It enables us to transform hazardous situations into holy places. I testify of a loving Savior who "looketh on [our] heart" and cares what we are thinking."
   --Elder Craig L Zwick 

Free Agency allows us to have our own opinions but it does NOT let us choose the consequences of voicing those opinions. Regarding those who would cause agitation and dissension in those earnestly seeking the peace found within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, choose carefully, those words which form the thoughts you share. 

Becoming a great "hinderment" is hazardous. 

Charity is the pure love of Christ and just as we are asked to cultivate charity for all, we are required to forgive all. To do anything other than using compassionate language and compassionate thought puts us in the same precarious position Alma the Younger found himself in Mosiah 27:9-10. (Book of Mormon)

 And he became a great hinderment to the prosperity of the Church of God; stealing away the hearts of the people; causing much dissension among the people; giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them.

If we are truly converted we would NOT want to give the enemy of God ANY power over His children. 

True believers would want to protect His children from anything that would separate us from His Love. The following talk given by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in the October 1984 General Conference can give us a clear view of where we stand by answering his "test questions" and give us a visual to cling to, trusting completely in an omnipotent and omniscient Heavenly Father whose entire purpose of being is to bring about our eternal joy and happiness. 

"If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God, it will, in the end, make no difference what you have chosen instead." --William Law


Click here to listen to The Caravan Moves On

I am so grateful for my lack of agitation. I am so grateful to feel the peace and confidence found from testimony bearing apostles of God. I am so grateful for their guidance, love, and service in His Kingdom. 

I pray that we can turn "hazardous situations into holy places" as we go about our daily lives and nurture the peace that comes from knowing we can love as we are loved.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Do You Love More Than God?

The answer might be WHATEVER YOU THINK ABOUT MOST!!!

I asked myself that question a few years ago and had some spiritual guidance that resulted in my making a commitment to put the Lord FIRST in my life in one very easy specific way! Now, there are some "covenants" I have made with the Lord that are impossible for me to break. I know myself well enough that it would be easier for me to call my first step toward a permanent change in my life a "commitment" instead of "covenant."

Let me first acknowledge that I am NOT perfect in this commitment, but before I do ANYTHING on my phone or computer I try to read the scriptures. Sometimes it's a couple verses or sometimes if I really need spiritual grounding, it's chapters. The Book of Mormon is my favorite book of scripture, but no matter which book I'm reading, something stands out in regards to a problem or challenge or situation I'm concerned about. Here are three gems recently. 

Developing Patience and Faith

The Lord will chasten His people. He will try our patience with looooong trials and allow us to develop the virtue faith and trust in Him so that we may be "lifted up" at the last day.

How COOL that the Atonement not only removes our sins, but we can also let go of the guilt! ------->

Our faith and good works can bring us PEACE from this time forth and forever!

Our answers and reassurances may come in small ways unnoticed if we are not looking for them. In the early Kirtland days of the church the Saints had INCREDIBLE experiences. They saw angels, spoke in tongues, and watched flames ascend from the temple spires! The journals record they felt like they could sacrifice ANYTHING to retain the feeling of "being in the presence of The Lord" and yet when the opportunity to become prosperous through land speculation as the country moved West there were MANY Saints who became distracted and left the church. HALF of the Quorum of the 12 fell to greed's evil influence! 

In speaking of this situation years later the prophet Lorenzo Snow said "We have got to love God more than we love the world. If we in our manner, habits and dealings imitate the world, thereby identifying with the world, do we think God will give us the blessings we desire? No, he will not!"

Now in 2014, more than ever, we are constantly, without even trying, bombarded with worldly things. We have the choice to help the Lord do as the prophet Jeremiah says, "put his law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts" by reading our scriptures and next week we can listen to conference and then read the talks given over and over again until they are "written in our hearts.". 

One of the most touching scriptures is in the Book of Mormon where the Lamonite King tells Ammon "I would give up all my sins to know God!"

I hope you will take the time to ask yourself what you need to give up to know God and allow him to "write in your hearts" and then act on those impressions. I promise you that if nothing else, you will receive peace and confidence and that is no small thing! 

(Given at Heber Valley Campground, July 2014)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God Will Lift Us Up

Last week a dear friend massaged my aching foot… for a long time. 
My heel had been aching for a long time and she massaged it for a long time. 
So selfless… so Christ-like. 
It was ESPECIALLY Christ-like because 
she KNEW exactly where it hurt and 
what would help make it feel better having suffered from the same affliction.

 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind...he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people… that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. 
- Alma 7:11-12

Robert D. Hales:
 I have often pondered… Why is it that the Son of God, and His holy prophets 
and all the faithful Saints will have trials and tribulations?

Brittany suffers from a difficult illness 
and yet because of that suffering, 
she has been driven to help others who are suffering. 
Sweet sweet video.

At 3:30 the mother's words especially touch me. "I wish it could have been me that suffered." 
Do we not all want to take upon us our children's suffering?
Does that make parenting one of the easiest ways to learn Christlike attributes?
Or hardest?

Henry B. Eyring captures my predicament in an excellent talk in April 2009 on Adversity. 
"There is yet another trial which, when endured well, can bring blessings in this life and blessings forever. Age and illness can test the best of us."

Aging and illness…. my hope and dread as I live each day. 
I bear testimony that Christ does know how to succor us. 
I bear testimony that God WILL lift us up when we need it. 
I have had it happen repeatedly and I know it to be true.