Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God Will Lift Us Up

Last week a dear friend massaged my aching foot… for a long time. 
My heel had been aching for a long time and she massaged it for a long time. 
So selfless… so Christ-like. 
It was ESPECIALLY Christ-like because 
she KNEW exactly where it hurt and 
what would help make it feel better having suffered from the same affliction.
 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind...he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people… that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. 
- Alma 7:11-12

Robert D. Hales:
 I have often pondered… Why is it that the Son of God, and His holy prophets 
and all the faithful Saints will have trials and tribulations?

Brittany suffers from a difficult illness 
and yet because of that suffering, 
she has been driven to help others who are suffering. 
Sweet sweet video.

At 3:30 the mother's words especially touch me. "I wish it could have been me that suffered." 
Do we not all want to take upon us our children's suffering?
Does that make parenting one of the easiest ways to learn Christlike attributes?
Or hardest?

Henry B. Eyring captures my predicament in an excellent talk in April 2009 on Adversity. 
"There is yet another trial which, when endured well, can bring blessings in this life and blessings forever. Age and illness can test the best of us."

Aging and illness…. my hope and dread as I live each day. 
I bear testimony that Christ does know how to succor us. 
I bear testimony that God WILL lift us up when we need it. 
I have had it happen repeatedly and I know it to be true. 

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