Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tips Are Appreciated

For several years we have gone to a local nursery to get a live Christmas tree. We usually go early to get a good fresh one that will fill our home with the delicious smell of pine and help us visualize the grandchildren running around the house. 

This year we went the morning after Thanksgiving to find the nursery employees just pulling newly shipped trees from the trucks, their breaths making frosty puffs in the early morning air. They were happy to let us look but we didn't see "that one special tree" we needed. The employee might have been inspired as he gave us a quick tip. "That little Christmas tree lot down on 5th West by Pace's Dairy Ann is up this morning. I saw it on my way to work."

With very little time and nothing to lose, we drove straight there and pulled in, the only customers in the dirt parking lot. We were cheerfully greeted by three gum-chewing young teenagers, none of them looking old enough to drive, let alone manage the drill and credit card swipe machine they proudly displayed on a little table in front of a mini aluminum trailer draped with festive flags and tinsel.

Their distinctive smiles removed any doubt about being siblings, probably 14, 12 and 11 years old. The oldest was in overalls and a sleeveless tank shirt and I wondered if he was cold in the morning chill? He just shrugged with a smile, "Naw, it's not bad,” and turned back to the trailer to get a measuring pole. His younger brother and sister followed us around with a clipboard, making notes about each tree we stopped to consider, one wearing a cardboard sign that said, "Tips Are Appreciated" and the other managing an enthusiastic dog tied to a thick string. Curious about this gum chewing trio who didn’t seem to be affected by the weather, I asked them where they were from and where were their parents? The sister answered that their dad was with the rest of the family at their other tree lot in a suburb about 30 miles away and their mom was out getting them hats. (Of all the incredible Black Friday deals out there and she’s getting them hats????)
My husband and I looked at each other and KNEW that we would be buying a tree from this lot… just as an even younger sister came out of the trailer carrying a barefoot toddler on her back. She held out a well handled foil-wrapped stick of gum to us and said with the exact same smile as the others, “Would you like some gum?” 
Awestruck, I asked them, “How many are in your family?”
The oldest son proudly offered, “There’s 11 of us!”
And then as an afterthought, “And we take in foster kids too.”

The 7 year old grew tired of carrying the barefoot toddler on her back and tried to transfer her to the oldest brother. He whispered, “I CAN’T right now... I have to load a tree!” and then totally melted my heart by leaning over and pressing the most gentle, sweet kiss on her forehead.

Needless to say we had them load up the biggest tree on the lot and enjoyed watching them decide who was going to have the honor of swiping the card. Did the 12 year old drill a straight hole for the tree stand? Of course not… but I’ve been glowing ever since. 

Now some might be skeptical or jaded or find things to detract from the warmth we felt, but really… Why Not Believe?

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