Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heavenly Messengers

My beautiful friend, Valerie. The light that shines in her face is fueled by a testimony born of fire and the spirit. Seven years ago she experienced what every parent fears most: the death of a child, from an accident no one could have foreseen or prevented. She and her wonderful husband were examples of love and spiritual strength throughout the whole process. She comforted those who came to comfort her, no matter the hour or situation. To this day, she doesn't claim any special powers or strength but she knows where to find it.

One snowy day, following my diagnosis of melanoma, my feet took me to her door. I hadn't planned on seeing her and yet there I was. Of course, she dropped everything and asked if she could walk home with me. As we walked and talked about life's unexpected challenges, and how we deal with the pain of the mourning that follows loss, she said many reassuring things. One was this quote by Joseph F. Smith.

"When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are...our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, (children), and friends who have passed away from earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy their gifts and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof and instruction to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh." 

-Joseph F. Smith. 
 Journal of Discourses/ Volume 22 

It was this quote, her incredible depth and the sure knowledge that her son is never far away, that prompted this response to a friend of hers who had also lost a child, aptly comparing it to having a constant hole in the floor of your house you need to navigate around.

"I understand the hole that you feel in your family and your home. I think of our son every day and sometimes those thoughts are hard and unbearable but most of the time the memories are amazing and wonderful. I like to think of this "hole" as a hole in the ceiling where I can choose to stand under and bask in Scott's sunshine. I want to stand under the "hole" in my ceiling and look up and thank God for the 15 years that he shared Scott with us. Because of the great things you have done in your daughter's honor I'm sure that you understand that while I wish that this hole had never been ripped into my ceiling I also hope it never goes away or is covered. Like you, I am trying to live in the joy of his life rather than the grief of his death."

I LOVE it! She's amazing! I'm so grateful for her and many other friends and family members that serve as "heavenly messengers" for me as I travel through this earthly life. God truly does show His constant love and awareness of us through others. I feel so blessed!

          Click here to hear "You've Been With Me All This Time" by Britt Nicole
Found this cute presentation of a great thought that fits here.


  1. Thank you for this, Debbie! I'm sleepless tonight and have had some loved ones on my mind while I tossed and turned and prayed. I came across your blog and it was just what my soul needed. I think I might rest well with your words and thoughts. You're the best!

    1. Oh I hope so dear Jana. You are SO loved! By so many!!! :) Much love to you!
