Saturday, March 7, 2015

Someone Knows The Answers

This beautiful photo was the cover of our Sacrament Meeting Program last week. I pondered the intricate workings of the brass carvings as it sat on my lap during the service, enjoying the symmetry in even the smallest of details, except one.

I noticed that the locks were different from each other, requiring different keys to open each side. My inquisitive nature would have loved to know why there were different locks? What could have been the purpose? What would the keys looks like that would open these temple doors? Were they always that way?

Of course I could not think of the answers on my own, no matter how much time I spent contemplating the questions. I could only speculate as long as my creativity would allow me to come up with different answers, and really, that wasn't very long. How much time did I want to spend contemplating locks, keys or doorknobs (beautiful as they are) during a time for sacred renewal of my baptismal covenants?

As is so often the case, my mind settled on the logical response, "Well, someone knows the answers to all those questions and I may never need to know them."

I thought about the broader implication of that phrase... Someone knows the answers to those questions... and all the other questions I have... and a calm, peaceful assurance entered my meditation.

Someone knows the answers to ALL the questions and THAT is all I need to know.

Katie's Mission Theme - Beus Sunset View


  1. Replies
    1. I didn't know you commented! Thanks for sharing this you sweet sweet sister! I love you!
