Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Primarily Speaking

Shout out to an amazing primary teacher! Tina Watson​​ and her daughter Sierrah didn't even know my grandson would be in her class but this stack of prepared notes and activities is what he came home with. She does this extraordinary job for all her Sunbeams every week! 
Our fabulous music leader, Lauri Pratt called all three boys up to sing the "visitor" song to them and the 7 yr old got to be a priest in the Good Samaritan story reenactment. The Whitneys gave my oldest grandson THEIR treat from the Primary Presidency because he was the only child in the class who didn't get one. 

All our Primary leaders are wonderful and make such a difference in children's lives. 
I love Primary. If Jesus came to church I think he would spend a lot of time with the Primary! The songs are so fun and memorable. "Gethsemane " gives me chills! 
"Click here to listen to "Gethsemane"

AND what could be better than being called to the Nursery??? Sitting on the floor, playing with toys and eating snacks for a couple hours? There are always unexpected little upsets that make Primary exciting... for instance... last Sunday no one had keys that would work to the nursery closets! We had no idea until it was our turn in the new year to open them up! No toys or treats for the little ones for 30 minutes until the Bishopric from the other ward in our building came to rescue us! Yep, always memorable! Lucky are you if you serve in the Primary!

Click Here For More Primary Songs

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