Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Nana, are you dead yet?

Family Photo
The bottom half of the screen is me.... still in the first garden room. My adorable 4 year old grandson was very motivated to finish our morning chores so we could finally sit down and play what he calls "Ninecraft" (and what the rest of the world calls "Minecraft." :)

He made me an avatar and left me to figure out the controller by myself. He zipped his own avatar around the garden room and disappeared! Feeling very much a newborn as I learned to make my avatar turn left and right, walk forward and backward, I finally oriented myself in the garden. My grandson came back wondering what was taking me so long to join him. He took over the controller and showed me how to jump so I could get around the different layers of the garden and then he was gone again calling, "Come with me Nana!"

I tried to run after him but I couldn't go through the arch he had just run through! My screen kept saying, "You must accomplish the tasks before you can leave." What tasks???? I was completely confused! He came back again, took my controls and collected all the "stuff" you have to have to move on and leave the garden to enter the "real world" FOR me! I laughed and still had absolutely no idea how to "collect stuff" and knew that my time in the real world would be short, not knowing even as much as a four year old to survive!

I followed him into the different scenery and felt extremely accomplished as I maneuvered my avatar into a building. He said his brother had "built" this house and I was impressed! There were torches and everything! From that point I wasn't sure what happened? I was looking up and down at the impressive art on the walls and suddenly I couldn't tell where I was at all. He laughed and said, "Nana, why are you backwards???" He took the controls and fixed me so I could see straight again but it wasn't long before I was unable to figure out what was happening again. He laughed hilariously and said, "I'M IN YOUR HEAD, NANA!" Oh... ok then...! Finally he was done toying with me and took my controls to orient me again, extremely pleased with his teasing. He ran off to parts unknown again and I kept walking around trying to jump to the different levels in the house and got confused again. This time I was able to work the controls and orient myself when I found I was jumping on a torch! "Hey! I'm jumping on a torch! And I'm on top of a river of hot lava!!!" My grandson calmly took the controller, his fingers fluttering quickly and said, "Yeah, Nana, you're going to die, ok? I'm trying help you to start over." He handed me back the controls and before long I was lost again. He played beside me while I failed to reorient myself, finally innocently asking, "Nana, are you dead yet?" 

The metaphors were tumbling through my mind: Beginning in a garden with absolutely no knowledge of the real world, having to acquire skills to manage and maneuver obstacles to enjoy adventures by yourself, getting confused looking backward instead of forward, stymied when someone gets in your head, and finally needing him to take the controls to help me progress. Unlike my grandson, Heavenly Father never tires of taking the controls, turning us around and helping us "come follow Him" and absolutely never hastens our death! No one gets taken before their time. Comforting words indeed.

“No righteous man (or woman) is ever taken before his time. In the case of the faithful Saints, they are simply transferred to other fields of labor. The Lord’s work goes on in this life, in the world of spirits, and in the kingdoms of glory where men go after their resurrection.” 
                                            - Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith at the funeral of Richard L. Evans

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