Monday, December 26, 2016


Photo Credit: Debbie's Iphone!
The Bountiful Temple in last week's rain took my breath away! The temple's holiness reflected in the mist expresses the awe I feel as I ponder the fact that I am still here on earth. 

We received the latest scan results a few days before Christmas. What could have been a dark pall over the holidays became a joyous light as we rejoiced in the knowledge I will be here awhile longer. The oncologist told me that there are patients who relapse at a disappointing year or two but they are having a lot of success at extending the life of 4th stage melanoma patients. I am one of those medical miracles! My immune system ALONE continues to hold the tumors at their present size and there is no evidence of progression. I recognize that the Lord is allowing this miracle and want to fulfill His purpose in the time I have left. I am still learning and my testimony is still growing. It is my heart's desire to share His love with those I come in contact with, that they can feel of His love through me.

Mike and I acknowledge the HUGE part faith and prayers have played in my relatively pain-free journey so far and cannot possibly repay all those who have given that most precious gift to us. Thank you and may God's blessings be upon you throughout the coming year and always!   

Much love to all,


  1. I am so happy for you! Yay for your body!

    1. Haha;, yay indeed! THANK YOU for reading and commenting. Love you!

  2. Much love and many prayers on your behalf. So grateful for the good news for Christmas. Joy to the world, the Savior reigns... ❤️

    1. Thank you so much dearest Rebecca for your prayers and faith and your constant example of acknowledging Christ. Eternally yours and lucky me! XOXO

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for reading and commenting and being happy with us! Love you!

  4. Debbie, so happy for you! You truly radiate the love of Christ and have His image in your countenance. What a blessing the Lord has allowed all of us to continue to have you here blessing us with your example and light. Love you!

    1. You're so kind, Jill! I think that of you! Thank you so much for friendship and support! Love you too!

  5. I always wondered if that was you jumping into the ocean at Hawaii. I couldn't pull the others pictures up. Much joy in your journey of faith, prayers and healing. And courage and love.

    1. You are one in a million Jeannette! Love you!

  6. Oh, how I love you, sweet friend... ♥

    1. Back at you, every bit, dearest Jane!!! XOXO

  7. Oh my goodness, what divine news! So grateful!

    1. Honored you would take the time Cori! THANK YOU for sharing the joy!

  8. This would be the year's greatest news even if it was Dec. 31, 2017 now! Prayers for your continued good health. Love you, Debbie!

    1. Aww, what sweet sentiments! You're such a sweetheart Jana! Love you!

  9. Faith in action. Grace in adversity. Love towards all. You are my shining example. What a blessing for us.

    1. Wow! I will remember these poetically beautiful phrases and try my best to become those! THANK YOU! You are the blessing to me Sandy! LOVE YOU!
