Monday, September 25, 2017

Angels On Earth

Cancer brings out the best in people and gives me an inside look at the hearts of care-givers, those who work in the medical field and those who just make the world a better place with their kind and thoughtful acts. This post is dedicated to just a few of the most recent angels in my life.

One of the most angelic care-givers I've run across in this cancer journey is Luz Geovanna Tovar, a pint-sized cutie with a giant heart of love. Even before I came around the corner to my CT scan at the Huntsman Center, I heard her tender voice offering warm blankets and juice to a nervous patient and their family. Her kind greeting, tinged with the most endearing Peruvian accent, warms my heart every time I see her. She had seen my name on the schedule and brought me Peruvian appetizers WITH the recipe JUST to make me smile and brighten my day. WHO DOES THAT??? Geo does.... 
Kathryn Keene
When we checked into the Lihue Marriott we were greeted by the warmest Hawaiian smile you can imagine. Kathryn Keene greeted us so professionally and efficiently. When she found out we were there to celebrate my "last" birthday with the family she had this generous gift with a thoughtful note sent to our room! Although we don't drink wine or coffee we kept it out as a reminder of the kindness extended to our family. Such a generous gesture and warmed our hearts all week long! Kathryn is an angel for sure!
Annie Winchester

Laurie Hoer
Annie Winchester, an impressive employee from TonyBurgers, found my treasured red purse from Paris on their outside tables and tried to find me all weekend! When I realized I lost it I immediately dumpster dived in a quarter square mile around the parking lot, hoping someone tossed it even if they took the wallet. Having the purse be safely tucked away when I showed up on their doorstep Monday morning flooded me with relief and gratitude. What an angel! 

We have a very long driveway. After my neck surgery the thought of bringing up even the empty cans was too much and I often left them there for my dear husband to bring up when he came home. One day I found the cans in front of my garage door! WHO WAS SO KIND??? The secret angel turned out to be Laurie Hoer, a sweet neighbor, which I eventually discovered as she continued to bring them up for me many times. All my neighbors are great examples to me of how to live a life of love. I treasure them.
Our new neighbors, Dave and Staci Augillard, turned a corner lot from a neglected eyesore to a well manicured, pristine yard, a truly lovely sight. He went out of his way to help my mother arrange a pod when she needed one. Extra-mile angel! He didn't need to do that! It lifted my heart to see them teaching their son the pride in ownership they exhibit and contribute to our neighborhood. 

My daughter is in charge of the children in her church congregation and was delighted to support Breanna's bake sale for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. What a sweet little angel!

Josh and Rockie Dustin
This kind mall policeman gave my granddaughter a sticker which she treasured and wore proudly the rest of the day. My brother-in-law volunteered in the kitchen from the moment he arrived, showing the example of Christ-like love and service his son radiates as well. My family is full of angels who consistently serve us in many ways. The texts, treats and constant prayers give me a sense of the supportive net beneath me as I cross this high-wire to heaven. How can I fall into depression when I have so much to be thankful for? I can't even begin to thank the friends and family members who sent notes and get-well cards after my surgery last spring. Each one fills me with hope and gratitude and a profound sense of how blessed I am by the people in my life. 
There are angels among us everywhere! Just look! You'll see them!

Luz Geovanna Tovar
Small in stature but large in love! Geo... I love you!


  1. So many angels around us! Thank you for celebrating a few! Makes me want to be more mindful and more grateful! Love you!

    1. You're my example dearest sister! Love you!!!

  2. I love this! And I especially love the way God is watching over you the way you have watched over others your whole life. He takes hard things and makes them so so beautiful. Your sunset is one of those bright, mega colorful beautiful ones. The kind that makes you stop and marvel at the master artist's hand. Thank you so much for sharing. Once again I leave inspired. If you feel like continuing to share with those Peruvian recipes I would not be disappointed!

  3. Replies
    1. Oh Tenille, you sweetheart! Thank you for reading and commenting and your wonderful thoughts that inspire ME toward appreciation and MOTIVATION to keep recognizing my blessings. You're a total doll and I love you! Let's keep marching forward with faith... and hope, most of all. LOVE YOU!!!
