Thursday, June 28, 2018

Honored To Be A Mom

Got this picture and quote from my eldest son on Mother's Day. 

"A mother is the one who stands in the river for her children."
 Makes me think of you Mom.
-Chris Beus

PC: Chris Beus

NOTHING in the world makes me feel happier than knowing I'm a mother to a little flock, 
who grew up to be AMAZING! So grateful I was able to help them cross the river!

"Remember that the greatest of all the blessings of the Lord 
come through and are given to righteous families. 
Women who make a house a home 
make a far greater contribution to society 
than those who command large armies 
or stand at the head of impressive corporations. 
Who can put a price tag on the influence a mother has on her children, 
a grandmother on her posterity, 
or aunts and sisters on their extended family?" 
- L. Tom Perry



  1. I love your posts and you. Always thinking of you!! Sending lots of love and prayers.❤️

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