Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Dear Huntsman Cancer Center, I'm not dead!

Dear Huntsman Cancer Center,

I'm not dead! Everyone there predicted I would be gone by July 1st and now it's the 31st and I'm still here on earth!!!!

 Do you remember that I got "discharged" to hospice in January? Well, thanks to the tender care of my husband, family and friends I'm still living a really good life. Although the spring months were difficult, I was very blessed to have constant daily care. For reasons known only to God I have been able to steadily improve my ability to take care of myself. Lately I've been able to visit my children that live a plane ride away! We have been cautiously optimistically planning other things to look forward to.

I have to say that I sleep a lot. I can't drive because of all the meds I'm on and I need a wheelchair to get very far but those are small prices to pay! I don't have to look very far to find someone that has it worse off than I do. I feel like I have multiple blessings!

PRAISE THE LORD! THANK THE LORD!                                                                                    
Love, Debbie Beus
Still surviving melanoma

My friend, Kirsi Jarvis, posted the picture below and I burst into tears when I saw it. I wore my hair in a ponytail in my prime years and immediately saw myself hugging my Savior in this image. I will bow down first, overwhelmed with tears when I see him, but hopefully a hug will follow.

"First Day in Heaven" by Kerolos Safwat


  1. I love this post, I love this picture, and I love YOU!

  2. So amazing Aunt Debbie! So glad you're still here, I always love reading your posts. Your positivity and faith is contagious. I love that picture.

  3. Debbie! How very wonderful!! You are an incredible thriver (more than a survivor😘😘) my sweet friend!! I LOVE this post and the pictures and you! I'm so grateful for you! You are such a bright light in the lives of so many and I'm so glad you're feeling good enough to have plans to look forward to. Love, Lauri Pratt❤❤❤

  4. Love both of these pictures!! Love you!!

  5. I’m planning a road trip north as soon as I get home. 🇲🇽
    Love you!!!

  6. Hi Debbie! So glad to read your last post. Have always been thinking of you. I've always been a better person because of you!
