Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Staying in the Process

From the Flower Fairies
So many blessings in one week! I am OVERWHELMED at the support and strength, courage and hope, the Lord is sending me right now. I want to thank Him for increasing my faith in Him. There just is no doubt He is there watching and working His ways in the smallest of details of our lives. Some blessings are so obvious such as the ones I'm going to write about now, but some come in fleeting instances that we may not notice at all unless we are paying attention.

Recently we were blessed to have dinner with our friends that call themselves "The Flower Fairies" because they keep me supplied with boldly, colorful bouquets. Ilene told us about her daughter's recent spiritual answer to an incredibly difficult life situation she finds herself in. Should she stay or should she go?

The answer was to, "Stay in the Process." What an interesting turn of phrase that came highlighted in my mind.
Stay in the process.

This last transition in my life could be termed a process and I could choose to "stay in the process" and continue living each day with patience and peace. Her church leader said to "squeeze every sanctifying, purifying thing you can out of what you are going through." Her words went straight to my heart. Obviously, I am still here for a reason. I'm supposed to be here! And I would be so wise to follow this incredible advice.

Family Photo
I woke up one day to a HUGE sign in my yard saying "HAPPY WEDNESDAY DEBBIE" in another kind of bouquet of bold, colorful letters. Our dear friends Scott and Kathi Stanford had arranged this uplifting message for us to find. It is so fitting. This is what we do. We take life one day at a time... sometimes one hour at a time. Make it a happy Wednesday, Debbie. Choose to.

Chris and Caylee Riding

This week I received another incredible blessing that caused the tears to flow and flow and flow. For an hour I could not stop crying after watching a video my adorable nephew Chris Riding made for me. He emailed his cousins and asked them to record what they loved about me and send it to him as soon as possible. He combined them all in a tribute that I will treasure forever! Hearing compliments that I don't deserve but would sincerely desire to live up to gave me a reason to aspire to be the daughter of God they describe.

Family Photo
My sweet husband brought me this beautiful bouquet of sunflowers after a hike in the hills behind our home. Did you know that sunflower blossoms keep their faces toward the sun the whole day? Morning until night they hold their focus. We always think of the "S O N" when we see them and I knew exactly what he meant by gathering this beautiful bunch. And I love him for it. I want to keep my face toward the Son of God the WHOLE DAY! I want people to see His light reflected in my countenance. I pray blessings on all the people who make my life so very, very good.
Endless blessings....


  1. ..."squeeze every sanctifying, purifying thing you can out of what you are going through." What a beautiful lesson!
