Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shout Out to Sean at Marie Callender's

It was my birthday... so I stopped into the local Marie Callender's Restaurant to pick up our traditional Chocolate Satin Pie for our family gathering at our home that night and was absolutely horrified to hear that they didn't have any!

Me: "What? You don't have ANY????"

Carla: "We haven't had any for a week!"

Me: "Is it the sale you have going on? I mean... ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

Carla: "I don't know, but they haven't sent us any?"

Me: "Does the Bountiful store have any?"

Carla: "The Bountiful store closed..."

Me: "ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is there one in Ogden?"

Carla: "No, only Salt Lake..."

Me: "My world just shattered! No Chocolate Satin Pie! I need one! How far away is the Salt Lake Store???" (I was frantically trying to think if I had time to make a trip down and back to SLC before skyping with the grandkids back east.)

Carla: "I can call them and see if they have any..." Bless her heart she got right on the phone and saved me two... and a double cream cheese lemon. If you haven't had them... make an effort! Awesome!

By this time the manager, Sean, heard the commotion at the desk and came out to see what was up. He cheerfully offered to go to Salt Lake and to BRING THEM TO MY HOUSE! 

Me: "ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Today is my birthday and I honestly don't know what else would do?"

Sean: "Sure, I have to be back up here tonight and I am happy to drop them off."

We exchanged texts throughout the day and he ended up meeting my brother-in-law at the nearest freeway exit to our home, bringing the pies just in time for the traditional "Candle-in-the-pie-birthday-song." My world was put right....

THAT is service for you! Sean went the extra mile with a big smile for someone he didn't even know! Beautiful.

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