Saturday, October 12, 2013

We Are Never Lost To God

I loved the Sept 2013 General Relief Society broadcast and especially loved Pres. Monson's talk. The story about the overwhelmed and depressed Tiffany whose only wish is for a loaf of homemade bread and the way it got fulfilled was so inspiring. I thought to myself, “Wow, I could do a lot of good in the world if I would listen to and obey promptings like that!” Funny thing... the very next day I was mailing postcards to the grandkids and on a whim decided to turn left instead of right, heading toward the east bench of old Farmington. There was zero traffic. I wound my way up and around the quiet streets to an intersection where the level road met a very steep hill and came upon a young teenage girl in a small white car, waving desperately out the window to me. She was facing up the hill but couldn't move forward. Every time she took her foot off the brake she would roll backwards. I stopped and asked her if she had a clutch. She said she did and I figured it was too hard for her to manage on a hill and I would just do it for her. She then showed me that it wouldn't drive forward at all. I tried to direct her to a safe parking spot on the side of the road, which we finally managed, in fits and starts. Once safely parked, but leaving the car idling, she called her mom who told her to just drive it home to Bountiful. She offered me a candy bouquet she just happened to have, HAHA! I told her to keep it because she wasn't home yet and she might need it for someone else. I followed her to Centerville and when she didn't seem to be having any trouble, turned off for home. WOW! I mean, what are the odds I would take a strange way home and run into a young woman in need RIGHT at the right time! 
Thanks, Heavenly Father!

But that is not all, oh no that is not all! Because of a wide excision surgery and removal of lymph nodes, I couldn't put any strain on my arm for two weeks! It felt like an eternity as I watched the beautiful fall days go by without me riding. I was so anxious to go biking the first day I could and see how my arm would hold up! My wonderful husband, taking his usual excellent care of me, had readied the truck and already put my road bike in the back. 
It was so tempting to just immediately start out, but I wanted to clear my head and ride for a long time. Hmm, I didn't want to risk putting any further stress on my freshly healing stitches by leaning forward for so long on my road bike and I'm not that great at using my road biking shoe clips yet either. Just then, God inspired me to trade it out for my mountain bike! That way I could sit up straighter and wear regular shoes and ride as long as I wanted to! 
Thankful for my many blessings, I happily headed out into the gorgeous morning! Perfect temperature and my legs felt SO good! I took a different route from the usual and felt like I could ride FOREVER!!! I got to Bountiful and the trail ended! I couldn't see where it connected so I turned right, hoping to find someone to direct me. 
Well, I hadn't gone more than a few yards when a huge dog jumped a fence and came over and bit my shoe! Holy cow, that was scary, I can't go back THAT way! I guess I'll have to figure out how to get to the bike path on the far west side. I said a prayer that someone in this nice little neighborhood would come out and help me. 
Wouldn't you know it, about two houses later a woman came out to her car just as I was passing. (Thank you Heavenly Father! Again!) She tried to direct me to where the other Legacy Parkway bike path was, not really knowing either, but she gave it her best shot. I followed her directions as best I could, ending up SO FAR west I was at the Legacy Freeway! 
I pulled out my phone with the gps so I could see where I was and noticed my phone was at 6%! Dang! I really need to remember to charge it every night. I called my mom to let her know that my phone was almost dead and I was a looooong way from home but don't worry. I looked down and thought that my tire was looking a little bit fatter but no worries. Still perfectly fine! 
I began retracing my route back and as I turned a corner I noticed a strange sound.... pfbt, pfbt, pfbt in a regular beat. “What is that sound?” I thought. I looked around and then with a sinking feeling realized it was my tire! Flat, flat, flat... I was riding on the rim! I called mom again but she didn't answer! I left a message telling her where I was and that I would start walking toward I-15 and to come find me when she got the message. 
I had walked my bike maybe 60 feet when a pick-up truck pulled up next to me. I was just wondering what was going to happen next  as a very sweet woman with an adorable grey buzz cut leaned out the window and asked me if I would like a ride. I almost yelled, “ARE YOU SERIOUS? I need to get clear to Farmington Station Front Runner.” She said, “Yes, I'm serious.” Thank you Heavenly Father! Again!
I put my bike in the back of her truck, texted mom not to worry and hoped there was enough “juice” to get it to her before she started out looking for me for who knows how long??? 
I climb in the back as she turns to her 30 year old daughter and says, “I knew I should have worn my wig. Didn't think I'd see anyone.” My ears pricked up... this woman had cancer. 
I asked her, “What's your story?” She had just completed her sixth round of chemotherapy and was starting radiation tomorrow at Hunstman. I told her I was going to be there too! Our bond was immediate. 
I hadn't really cried about everything yet and for some reason, staring into the depth of her blue eyes as she literally willed me to feel of her strength, totally undid me. The tears streamed down my face as I told her my story. She listened as only the spiritually tried and tested can, and then said, “You need to hear this. God loves you and is watching out for you. There are a lot of reasons to fight to live and even if you help someone else avoid your struggle by being in a study, there is purpose in your life.” 
She told me that she hadn't even planned on leaving the house that day and wasn't even sure why she went to pick up her daughter who was enjoying a walk home on a beautiful day. She was driving on the street at the exact moment my tire went flat! 
Everything had happened to bring me to this point! From the change of bike, change of route, the scary dog, the woman who directed me west and the tire going flat, we both marveled at the way the events had unfolded that we would meet at that moment. SO COOL! I sobbed at the amazingness of it all with my flat-tired bike safely in the back of the truck before heading home. Thank you Heavenly Father... yet again.


The very sweet woman (who now has hair long enough to be blown by the wind) turned out to be Tammy Mitchell, an amazing cancer survivor and a new life-long friend who continually inspires me each time we talk. Little gems of hard-earned wisdom spill out during our conversations and I constantly feel like I need to take notes when we talk. "We don't just survive this life... we can THRIVE in this life." and "We need to think about what we can give to others that come behind us as we climb our mountains." 
Like that... yes, she is the spiritual giant leading the way for me. 
Thanks, Tammy. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing an awesome job with your blog!!! I love it and I love you! Thanks for your friendship.
