Sunday, February 16, 2014

Strength in Numbers

There is strength in numbers. It was empowering to meet with a group of women concerned about our country and the direction it's heading when we gathered to discuss Dr. Ben Carson's new book. 

"Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Great Britain, France, and Spain all enjoyed their time at the top of the world,  so to speak, for several hundred years. Then, as they began to decline, they all experienced some peculiar similarities: an inordinate emphasis on sports and entertainment, a fixation with lifestyles of the rich and famous, political corruption, and the loss of a moral compass......
The question is, can we learn from the experiences of those nations that preceded us and take corrective action, or must we inexorably follow the same self-destructive course?"

(--from “America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great,” by Dr. Ben Carson.)

We concluded by asking ourselves what we could do to help stop the downward slide of our society. Aside from becoming informed as best we can to vote, maintaining personal righteousness and praying for charity for those who do not share our beliefs, there is really very little an individual can do; but just knowing that there are others who share the same concern was comforting.

Remarkably, we can read in 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon a sobering parallel of prosperity and subsequent fall of a great nation.  3 Nephi BOM

And it came to pass that the people did still remain in wickedness, notwithstanding the much preaching and prophesying which was sent among them. (3 Ne 2:10)

It is no secret throughout the Book of Mormon, that we live on consecrated land and the Lord will not have a people who do not worship him remain here. Ether 2 For that reason alone, it is imperative to share our testimonies of the Book of Mormon with those we come in contact with.

I sincerely pray that our Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson receives guidance and direction from the Lord for the members of the church and that we will have the faith to follow the course through the upcoming years.

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