Saturday, February 22, 2014

Irony Bites...


"Irony - The Crust on the Bread of Adversity" by Neal Maxwell was given when my life was rife with irony and I absorbed these words like a sponge. 

"Irony may involve not only unexpected suffering but also undeserved suffering. We feel we deserved better, and yet we fared worse. We had other plans, even commendable plans. Did they not count? 

At the end, meek and lowly Jesus partook of the most bitter cup without becoming the least bitter. The Most Innocent suffered the most. Yet the King of Kings did not break, even when some of His subjects did unto Him “as they listed.” (D&C 49:6.) Christ’s capacity to endure such irony was truly remarkable.
You and I are so much more brittle. For instance, we forget that, by their very nature, tests are unfair."
These past few weeks have brought irony back like an old friend returning from a long vacation, so I looked this talk up again, for comfort. Life has changed so much with the passing of time and I've long moved beyond the situations he addressed so well, but the last paragraph will probably apply the rest of my life. #mamabearshame


  1. As always you share, give and make a difference Debbie. I love your thoughts, words and testimony. Thank you!

  2. Aw, Jana! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! You're such a sweetheart and I really miss our days serving together!
