Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Broken Hallelujah

"I will always deserve to go to hell 
but by the grace and mercy of God
I am not going. 
If there is no hell, 
then heaven is merely a pleasant option
 for nice people." 

I heard someone say this C. S. Lewis quote on a Christian music station as I was driving to the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake City, UT where I would have my first MRI since being diagnosed with melanoma and the surgeries that followed to remove the dreaded cancer.  I was reminded that no matter WHAT happened to me that day, it would be possible to live with my loved ones eternally because Jesus did descend below all to conquer death and hell. INCREDIBLE! My scans were clear and all is well for another four months. Hallelujah!


Following this thought, these two songs came on and I felt my testimony and love of Jesus Christ grow exponentially. This might not be your kind of music but I love it.

"My Broken Hallelujah" - The Afters

"We Believe" - Newsboys


  1. Replies
    1. Aw thank you for reading and commenting! Love you looooong time!

  2. So glad you came back clean!!!!

  3. Camille! Thank you for reading and commenting! So great to see beautiful you the other night! LOTS of love!

  4. Seems like I learn the most when I reach out to Him "broken." It is amazing what He can do with ashes. Thanks for sharing this beautiful song. Laura Hales

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting Laura! I'm so glad we've had a chance to get better acquainted and look forward to more time together. :)
