Sunday, March 23, 2014

God's Greatest Creation - A House For Our Spirits

You know how dreams don't make any sense sometimes? Last night I had a dream I was pregnant and about to deliver a baby. My stomach felt HUGE… probably from all the delicious gelato I consumed on our vacation last week. We had also just been to a family baby blessing on Sunday and the new mother looked incredible. Her second birth and you would never know she had even one! How does a body do that? Stretch beyond belief and then return, in some cases back to the original form? Our bodies are the most amazing thing EVER!

As I "labored" away in my dream, accompanied by my attentive and concerned husband, I was struck by the magnitude of the pregnancy and birthing process. I have always thought the ingenious and intricate aspects of our human anatomy are perfect evidence of God's existence. What an awesome house for our spirits! The musical score by the very talented Rob Elliott is the perfect background for this beautiful message by Russell M. Nelson.
 God's Greatest Creation - click to view