Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stake Youth Missionary Weekend

Future Sister Missionaries added a wonderful dimension

February 28- March 1, 2014

Purpose: Assist the church's "Hastening” efforts by preparing the youth for missionary service

Friday - Stake Center
5:30 Prayer Meeting for all leaders
6:00 Youth Check In, Name Tags, Available Pen, Note pads
*Note assigned areas for luggage drops off at check in for Friday & Saturday
6:15 Mission Conference – Mission President (Elder Kopischke) (Chapel)
7:15 Visit the World: 9 Rooms assigned for cultural presentations
Taste of the food, Culture, Language, fun experiences……
7:35 Youth rotate to other rooms for second cultural experience
8:00 Sack Lunch -  Dinner Break for overnight kids/excuse Deacons & Beehives to kitchen for ice cream and then return to their homes.
8:15 Move to “Zone Conf” meeting rooms for companionship assignments (4 rooms):
(Elder Kopischke/Stake Pres to make assignments prior)
8:40 “MTC” Study Class: Teaching the Joseph Smith Story, Teaching skill development
MTC room assignments on the youth's badge – Small group training sessions
9:30 Depart to ‘Apartments’ with companions 
10:00 Personal Study
10:30 Companion Prayer-Lights out

Saturday - Stake Center
6:30 Arise, Shower, Shave Personal Study
7:30 Arrive at Zone Conference - Greet and Direct to Breakfast
7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Zone Conference Welcome – Mission President (In the Chapel)
8:30 Study Class/Lesson Plan (Preach My Gospel) - MTC room assignments
9:15 Tract-Teach-Testify-Invite Various Rooms/ 
Volunteer "Investigators" - Older missionaries in the Stake
Use all three chapel buildings to accommodate youth "missionaries"
10:00 Stop teaching and shuttle kids back to stake center
10:15 Testimony Meeting (4 rooms – Stake Presidency and Elder Kopischke)
11:30 Closing-Mission President (Chapel)


Youth were "called" to nine different missions
 and rotated to two different "cultural" experiences presented 
by newly returned missionaries who brought authentic enthusiasm.

             Sack Dinners were distributed to the overnight "Elders and Sisters" before they left for their host family's homes.

Host families brought them back from their "apartments" for an early breakfast

Record amounts of food prepared and served - just a taste of the MTC

Overnight luggage assigned to drop offs

"Investigators" provided tracting experiences

"Can we share a message of hope and happiness with you?"
Handed these schedules out to youth and leaders - quarter cardstock sheets with a map on the back


  1. Such a cool activity! I think that's something that will help them throughout their whole life!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting Kim! Sure love you! XO
