Sunday, February 2, 2014

One Week - What Would You Do?

We watch movies in twenty minute installments. It usually takes one of us about that long to fall asleep if we ever sit down and get comfortable. A poem for your enjoyment....

Old age and exhaustion
allow the sleep
that every good intention cannot slay
to overtake us,
and we succumb

Last night we finally finished watching a very thought provoking movie called “One Week.” It's about a young man who finds out he has an advanced stage of cancer that needs to be treated immediately. Instead of telling his family about it, he follows the fortune he finds on a coffee cup and “goes west” on a motorcycle and has many encounters and experiences. It reminds me of a book by Richard Paul Evans called “The Walk” that I read last fall during some down time. Very good reading.

Two questions from the movie remain in my mind:

“How do you know if you're in love?” and the answer, “If you have to ask, you're not.”
I wish I had the wisdom to say that when my children have asked me that in the past, but eventually they do figure it out on their own.

The second one would be answered 30 different ways if you asked 30 different people.
“What would you do if you only had a week to live?”

This is particularly poignant to us because of my recent diagnosis of cancer last fall. In the movie the girl responds, “I'd just do what I'm doing now.” and my response would be the same, even having the testimony I have of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would just do what I'm doing now... Write a silly free verse poem, affirm my faith, and then go eat a scoop of ice cream with my ever so sweet and loving husband. :)


  1. I agree. I'd keep doing what I'm doing. Love you.

  2. Heyyy! I really need to check the comments! THANK YOU Megan, for reading and being so wonderful! I love you back!

  3. Love it! You are amazing Mom!!! xoxo
