Monday, January 27, 2014

“We'll see in Heaven.”

“We'll see in Heaven.”

My husband has laughed at me through the years when I've used this as my closing statement during discussions, differences of opinion, or disagreements. Sometimes there is no way of proving anything, or truly expressing how you feel and this just has to be the final word.

The instant replay in sporting events to prove or disprove the accuracy of the call is handy and pretty effective but we just don't have one in real life. We only see what is in front of our eyes, through our own reference point, and sometimes our eyes might be observing something but our mind is somewhere else. Such imperfect beings...

As a follow up to my “Earth's DVDs” post I would like to talk about watching my own life on whatever form of viewing there is in the afterlife. I've read a few books about other's experiences with dying and returning to life over the years. From everything I've read, which can never be proven as fact, I think we will see events in our lives again. Painful or joyful, we will all review our mortal experiences.

From KJV Roman 14:10 
(Random choice, there are MANY scriptures verifying this.)
 ….We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 
For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, 
every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. 
So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God. 

Following this “judgment” experience we will know a few things:
  1. Our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally.
  2. Heavenly Mother loves us unconditionally.
  3. Jesus loves us unconditionally.
  4. But with our gift of agency, day by day, we have chosen our own eternal destiny.
  5. There will be no doubt about where we belong.

Several books talked about seeing how our choices affected others. Ouch. I sincerely don't want to see myself hurting ANYONE... but I am human, and I'm sure there are times I was very insensitive or unaware of my comments or actions possible hurtful nature.


The other side of that coin is that others will see how their choices affected me. Maybe it's my memory in my old age, or the legitimate empty spaces in my brain, but I can't recall anyone intentionally or unintentionally hurting me... so easy to forgive when you sincerely can't remember  I so hope to peacefully and contentedly maintain that attitude as I age.

Peace and blessins... as they say. 


  1. I can't imagine you offending anyone on purpose. Love you aunt debbie

  2. Heyyyy!!! I just found this. :) Thank you Adrienne! You are a sweetheart for reading and commenting! I sure hope I haven't, but when it comes to my children??? Let's just say… the "mama bear" phenomenon isn't pretty. I don't know how to process that whole thing yet. The funny thing is that I remember my mom (your grandma) getting more worked up than I did about some things, haha. Time heals everything is a cliche' because it's true though. LOVE YOU!

  3. A phrase I learned from you and use often. :) thank you for your wonderful example!

    1. It's just so applicable when misunderstood, eh? :)
