Saturday, May 30, 2015

No Scars

June 2012 
Who doesn't have any scars? I have a HUGE scar from a tiny little freckle that turned into melanoma. It reminds me to put on sunscreen whenever I am going to be in the sun for awhile. Scars can be good reminders to be careful.
Oct 2013 (left)               Oct 2014 (right)
"Our physical bodies, when harmed, are able to repair themselves, sometimes with the help of a physician. If the damage is extensive, however, 
often a scar will remain as a reminder of the injury.

With our spiritual bodies it is another matter. Our spirits are damaged when we make mistakes and commit sins. But unlike the case of our mortal bodies, when the repentance process is complete, no scars remain because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ
The promise is: “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more” (D&C 58:42).
--Boyd K. Packer, The Plan Of Happiness, Apr Gen Conf 2015

No spiritual scars remain if we repent now!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Temples and Tide Pens - Go With The PROS

Meaning to give my keyboard a good cleaning for quite some time, I decided today was the day!

The title intrigued me because I'm all about natural and "easy" cleaning. ;)
He was right. It just took a minute but I had so many thoughts of spiritual applications:

Sometimes our spirits become grimy 
 from daily exposure to things of this world

Daily build up can diminish our ability to hear the whisperings of the Spirit and promptings from the Lord that enrich our lives so much when we hear them and act on them. 
The temple can be our "Tide Pen" to cleanse away the daily grime.
Just like the keys were cleansed from exposure to the cleansing agent, 
our spirits can be cleansed from exposure to the light of the Lord in the temple.

We can keep our spirits "clean" daily using products around the house. 
We can "Go with the PROS" as our Stake Theme suggests:
Pray daily
Read scriptures daily
Obey daily
Serve daily
And one WITHOUT using anything around the house... Fasting monthly. 

I bear testimony that the Lord, through the gift of the Atonement, has made it possible for us to keep our Spirits clean and unspotted from the world. A gift we can thank Him for daily as we repent and recommit to remember Him and His sacrifice on our behalf. 

I thank him reverently...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Birth: To Earth

It's so cool to think that the very first person who greets your entrance into earth life is your mother! 
I love this cover version of these lyrics performed by Home Free. 
(Finder credit: My Sister Megan!)

by Home Free

A little baby told God, "Hey, I'm kinda scared
Don't really know if I want to go down there
From here it looks like a little blue ball
That's a great big place and I'm so small"

"Why can't I just stay here with you
Did I make you mad, don't you want me to?"
God said, "Oh, child, of course I do
But there's somebody special waiting for you"

So, hush now baby don't you cry
'Cause there's someone down there waiting
Whose only goal in fife
Is makin' sure you're always gonna be alright
A loving angel, tender, tough and strong
It's almost time to go and meet your mom

You'll never have a better friend
Or a warmer touch to tuck you in
She'll kiss your bruises, your bumps and scrapes
And anytime you hurt, her heart's gonna break

Now, when she's talking to you
Make sure you listen close
'Cause she's gonna teach you everything
You'll ever need to  know
Like how to mind your manners
To love and laugh and dream
And she'll put you on the path
That'll bring you back to Me

So, hush now little baby don't you cry
"Cause there's someone down there waiting
Whose only goal in life
Is making sure you're always gonna be alright
A loving angel, tender, tough and strong
Come on child
It's time to meet your mom.
Click here to listen to "Mom"

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mother's Day Duck Style

I was tending my granddaughter last week so we spent quite a bit of time outside in the beautiful spring weather. One of our favorite things to do was look for the baby ducklings in the pond across the street. We would sit on the grassy bank, far enough away the mother didn't feel threatened, watching eleven or more of these fuzzy down ducklings learning to eat and swim near their mother. One evening we saw the father mallard with his bright green hood join the happy squeaking and peeping crew. It was thrilling to see such beautiful examples of their species being parents.

One late afternoon, we were enjoying bubbles on the sidewalk when we were startled by a loud commotion. I looked up to see a huge black labrador literally dragging its owner down the grassy bank, furiously barking and snapping at the mother duck who was lurching crazily, unevenly flapping her wings as she half ran half flew down the grass strip bordering the pond. I wondered if the owner was going to get dragged into the pond. I wondered if the dog had gotten ahold of the bird already. I wondered where my phone was so I could record this very real wildlife event.

When the owner, using all her strength and loud commands, made the gorgeous creature stop chasing the duck, it sat hopefully poised to attack if the duck returned. The duck made repeated efforts to lure the dog away from the pond but eventually the owner pulled the predator reluctantly back to the street. As soon as they backed away from the pond, the duck flew straight to her babies.

We went to the pond later that night and many days after but never saw them again. I thought how brave the mother was to allow the dog to come so close to her as she did her very best to save her babies. A mother's love is truly deep and abiding, more than she loves herself she loves her children. She is in partnership with God, who alone knows her sacrifice, service and unending love.

President Thomas S. Monson has said, 
“May each of us treasure this truth; one cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God. Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and [our earthly] mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one.”3

She looked just like this!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Let Us All Press On

Davis County Young Adult Choir

This beautiful arrangement of a familiar hymn runs through my mind often. I find myself waking up singing it! My toddler granddaughter wants me to play it for her when she sees my phone. 

I'm so grateful for Richard Elliott's interpretation of Evan Stephens well known hymn. Hearing the lyrics in a different tune causes the phrases to have deeper meaning somehow.

Knowing that these dedicated youth, full of light and love, fully participating and progressing in the church live all around me makes me feel safe and comforted. 
May all those talented musicians and composers be blessed for their efforts!

Click here to hear "Let Us All Press On"

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

General Women's Conference 2015 - Highlight Notes

General Women's Conference 2015 - Highlight Notes

Cheryl Esplin – Filling Our Homes with Light and Truth

When filled with the Spirit and with gospel truth, we have the power to withstand the outside forces of the world that surround and push against us. However, if we are not filled spiritually, we don’t have the inner strength to resist the outside pressures and can collapse when forces push against us.
Satan knows that in order for us and our families to withstand the pressures of the world, we must be filled with light and gospel truth. So he does everything in his power to dilute, distort, and destroy the truth of the gospel and to keep us separated from that truth.

...we will have to do our best to hold on to whatever light and truth we currently have, especially in difficult circumstances. The answers to our prayers may not come dramatically, but we must find quiet moments to seek greater light and truth. And when we receive it, it is our responsibility to live it, to share it, and to defend it.

Carol M. Stephens - The Family Is Of God

(Lists the challenges of many right now which she has not had.)
So right now some of you are thinking, “Well then, Sister Stephens, you just don’t understand!” And I answer that you may be right. I don’t completely understand your challenges. But through my personal tests and trials—the ones that have brought me to my knees—I have become well acquainted with the One who does understand, He who was “acquainted with grief,”6 who experienced all and understands all. And in addition, I have experienced all of the mortal tests that I just mentioned through the lens of a daughter, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend.

God wants us to be one. God needs us to be one—covenant-keeping daughters, united in the diversities of our individual lives,11 Elder Russell M. Nelson taught, “Heavenly Father has but two desires for His children … : immortality and eternal life, ‘which means life with Him back home.’”14

Bonnie Oscarson -Defenders of the Family Proclamation

One of the hardest challenges in this life is to have faith in the Lord’s timing. It’s a good idea to have an alternative plan in mind, which helps us to be covenant-keeping, charitable, and righteous women who build the kingdom of God no matter which way our lives go. We need to teach our daughters to aim for the ideal but plan for contingencies.

Everyone, no matter what their marital circumstance or number of children, can be defenders of the Lord’s plan described in the family proclamation. If it is the Lord’s plan, it should also be our plan!

Let us be defenders of marriage as the Lord has ordained it while continuing to show love and compassion for those with differing views.

I would hope that as we encourage our children to reach for the very best in this life that we also teach them to honor and exalt the roles that mothers and fathers play in Heavenly Father’s plan.

The last principle we need to stand and defend is the sanctity of the home. We need to take a term which is sometimes spoken of with derision and elevate it. It is the term homemaker. All of us—women, men, youth, and children, single or married—can work at being homemakers. We should “make our homes” places of order, refuge, holiness, and safety. Our homes should be places where the Spirit of the Lord is felt in rich abundance and where the scriptures and the gospel are studied, taught, and lived. What a difference it would make in the world if all people would see themselves as makers of righteous homes. Let us defend the home as a place which is second only to the temple in holiness.

Pres. Henry B. Eyring - The Comforter

One of the attributes of the Savior we most appreciate is His infinite compassion. Tonight you have felt He knows you and loves you. You have felt His love for those seated around you. They are your sisters, spirit daughters of our Heavenly Father. He cares for them as He cares for you. He understands all their sorrows. He wants to succor them.
My message to you tonight is that you can and must be an important part of His giving comfort to those who need comfort.

And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.”6
I have seen that miracle time and time again. We lighten the loads of others best by helping the Lord strengthen them. That is why the Lord included in our charge to comfort others the command to be His witnesses at all times and in all places.
The father and the mother of the little boy bore witness of the Savior that evening in my living room. The Holy Ghost came, and all were comforted. The parents were strengthened. The burden of grief did not disappear, but they were made able to bear the sorrow. Their faith increased. And their strength will continue to grow as they ask for it and live for it.

The scripture tells us this truth: “Charity is the pure love of Christ.”10 His love never fails, and we never will cease to feel in our hearts the urge “to mourn with those that mourn … and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.”11 Nor will the peace He promises ever leave us as we serve others for Him.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Not the only place...

This marvelous testimony is from John Pontius who passed away from cancer December of 2012 but recorded many of his deep and inspiring thoughts in a blog called Unblog My Soul (<--click to read). His wife compiled her favorites in this book. It is FULL of great things like the moment after his father passed away and came to tell him in his own voice, "It's true! It's all true!"

"Let me say as strongly as I possibly can: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true and living church on the earth. It is not the only place where truth or Christ or faith or hope is found. It is just the greatest of such places.

It is not the only place 
where truth or Christ or faith or hope is found. 
It is just the greatest of such places.

It holds the authority and the priesthood keys and is the only place that does. It has within its doctrine, ordinances, and structure everything that is necessary for every blessing mankind can seek in mortality or in eternity. It has a prophet selected by the Savior Himself and apostles whom I joyfully sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. From one inspired program and gospel principle to another, this church has it all.

Is the church flawless? No, flaws come from flawed people who have yet to understand Doctrine & Covenants 121; but they do not come from the Lord or His gospel. Even those beloved brethren who sit in the red seats are still just people. And as Judas could not by his betrayal diminish the office of apostle nor the Church, so is the Lord's Latter-day Church still true, despite what flawed people may do within it.

And as Judas could not by his betrayal 
diminish the office of apostle nor the Church, so is the Lord's Latter-day Church still true, 
despite what flawed people may do within it.

This is the truth, and this will be true until Christ returns in glory. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not only true, but it works, it functions, it exalts, it binds the ordinances and seals the covenants. It calls down angels and ministering beings and lavishes blessings upon those who see past the gears, nuts and bolts, and happenings of the Church and who look heavenward at what this inspired church is successfully providing for us.

So I say, "Choose ye this day." As for me and my house we choose to serve the Lord, as He reveals Himself through the latter day kingdom."                  
                                                                                                 --John Pontius