Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mother's Day Duck Style

I was tending my granddaughter last week so we spent quite a bit of time outside in the beautiful spring weather. One of our favorite things to do was look for the baby ducklings in the pond across the street. We would sit on the grassy bank, far enough away the mother didn't feel threatened, watching eleven or more of these fuzzy down ducklings learning to eat and swim near their mother. One evening we saw the father mallard with his bright green hood join the happy squeaking and peeping crew. It was thrilling to see such beautiful examples of their species being parents.

One late afternoon, we were enjoying bubbles on the sidewalk when we were startled by a loud commotion. I looked up to see a huge black labrador literally dragging its owner down the grassy bank, furiously barking and snapping at the mother duck who was lurching crazily, unevenly flapping her wings as she half ran half flew down the grass strip bordering the pond. I wondered if the owner was going to get dragged into the pond. I wondered if the dog had gotten ahold of the bird already. I wondered where my phone was so I could record this very real wildlife event.

When the owner, using all her strength and loud commands, made the gorgeous creature stop chasing the duck, it sat hopefully poised to attack if the duck returned. The duck made repeated efforts to lure the dog away from the pond but eventually the owner pulled the predator reluctantly back to the street. As soon as they backed away from the pond, the duck flew straight to her babies.

We went to the pond later that night and many days after but never saw them again. I thought how brave the mother was to allow the dog to come so close to her as she did her very best to save her babies. A mother's love is truly deep and abiding, more than she loves herself she loves her children. She is in partnership with God, who alone knows her sacrifice, service and unending love.

President Thomas S. Monson has said, 
“May each of us treasure this truth; one cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God. Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and [our earthly] mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one.”3

She looked just like this!

1 comment:

  1. Great story and I loved President Monson's quote at the end:)
