Saturday, May 2, 2015

Not the only place...

This marvelous testimony is from John Pontius who passed away from cancer December of 2012 but recorded many of his deep and inspiring thoughts in a blog called Unblog My Soul (<--click to read). His wife compiled her favorites in this book. It is FULL of great things like the moment after his father passed away and came to tell him in his own voice, "It's true! It's all true!"

"Let me say as strongly as I possibly can: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true and living church on the earth. It is not the only place where truth or Christ or faith or hope is found. It is just the greatest of such places.

It is not the only place 
where truth or Christ or faith or hope is found. 
It is just the greatest of such places.

It holds the authority and the priesthood keys and is the only place that does. It has within its doctrine, ordinances, and structure everything that is necessary for every blessing mankind can seek in mortality or in eternity. It has a prophet selected by the Savior Himself and apostles whom I joyfully sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. From one inspired program and gospel principle to another, this church has it all.

Is the church flawless? No, flaws come from flawed people who have yet to understand Doctrine & Covenants 121; but they do not come from the Lord or His gospel. Even those beloved brethren who sit in the red seats are still just people. And as Judas could not by his betrayal diminish the office of apostle nor the Church, so is the Lord's Latter-day Church still true, despite what flawed people may do within it.

And as Judas could not by his betrayal 
diminish the office of apostle nor the Church, so is the Lord's Latter-day Church still true, 
despite what flawed people may do within it.

This is the truth, and this will be true until Christ returns in glory. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not only true, but it works, it functions, it exalts, it binds the ordinances and seals the covenants. It calls down angels and ministering beings and lavishes blessings upon those who see past the gears, nuts and bolts, and happenings of the Church and who look heavenward at what this inspired church is successfully providing for us.

So I say, "Choose ye this day." As for me and my house we choose to serve the Lord, as He reveals Himself through the latter day kingdom."                  
                                                                                                 --John Pontius

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