Saturday, June 6, 2015

Is It Wonderful To You?

It was the first day without rain last week and I was anxious to get outside and work on the flower beds. As I began weeding I felt prompted to go to the temple instead. I reminded myself that I was already planning on going with my husband that weekend for a ward conference temple night and kept on weeding. I got such satisfaction from seeing the flowers unencumbered by weeds I kept going on to the next bed, and the next, when suddenly the prompting came again, "You should go now to the temple." I heeded it this time and went in to change. 

On the way to the temple I felt like I may have taken too long to decide to go. I might have missed whatever or whomever the Lord wanted me to see, but I knew that I would feel better having obeyed the prompting and I always love the feeling of peace therein. 

Our stake has a drawer in the entry of the temple where members place names of family who have work to be done. I took out five family file cards and knew that the member who had placed those cards would be as glad as the people whose cards I had retrieved to have their temple work move forward. It felt as good as weeding the flower beds to help empty the drawer... with everlasting results! I was happy as I entered the initiatory area of the temple.

For the past few months I have had to wait over an hour to serve but there wasn't even a line that day! As the ordinance worker invited me into the first room I looked at her sweet glowing face and loved her immediately. Her short grey hair was styled and curled around big beautiful blue eyes. As she began speaking it slowly dawned on me that I knew her! I looked at her name tag and saw Tammy Mitchell, the same woman the Lord directed me to when I was struggling after my diagnosis of cancer. (Read the amazing story here) NO WAY!!!! I didn't even know she was Mormon! When she finished speaking I asked her if she knew who I was and she shook her head no and said, "You look familiar but I can't place you." I then showed her my scar and reminded her where we had met. She smiled with remembrance and recognition and asked how I was doing with the cancer now. I told her my scans have been clear and we hope I'll be ok now. I had to move to the next room then and when I came back she was gone. As I was sitting there, marveling at the timing of the whole event, she suddenly appeared around the corner, hugged me and said, "I love you!" I returned the hug and the love and felt so grateful for God's love for us and even his management of the smallest things in our lives if we let Him. 

Today when I read the conference talk "Is It Wonderful To You?" by Bishop Gerald Causse from April 2015 I remembered this experience and wanted to write it up to build the testimony of anyone who is wondering if God is there or if He is aware of you. He is! Let my experience and the experiences of others be an anchor to your faith and engage yourself in the work of salvation however you feel you can.

"To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith. It is to recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us. Our amazement also produces spiritual strength. It gives us the energy to remain anchored in our faith and to engage ourselves in the work of salvation."

I want to use his words because he says it best:

On this special day, I bear witness that the wonders and marvels of the gospel are anchored in the greatest of all of God’s gifts—the Savior’s Atonement. This is the perfect gift of love that the Father and the Son, united in purpose, have offered to each one of us. With you, “I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. … 
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!”


  1. Beautiful experience - thank you for sharing!

    1. More meaningful now that the cancer has returned. Love you!
