Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 2016 LDS General Conference Highlights

Pres. Henry B Eyring - Because of the miracle of modern technology, we meet as if we are all together in one great hall... most importantly in whose name we are gathered. - "Where two or three are gathered in my name,.... I am in the midst of you." Because he is a resurrected being he is not here physically but through the Spirit. He says: Ponder in your hearts with this commandments. Call upon me while I am near. Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you... etc
Two converts wrote to him in the same week pleading and bearing testimony and pleading that feelings of love of the Lord were lessening and wanted to feel that same close love they used to feel. Worried that if they can't, the trials and tests they face would overwhelm them.
Seed sowing parable - All of us are the same. Trials are to soften our hearts. Some do not see the "withering" and aren't aware of how we are distancing ourself from God. Satan wants us to think the testimonies we feel are foolish, etc. 
It is our responsibility to nourish the seed during this conference. Apostles and speakers are praying to have the power to encourage you to make the choices to make your heart a more fertile ground. Your choice to pray with full purpose of heart will increase. This is "HIS" conference. Only the HG can bring the blessings the Lord desires for us. Often I have people thank me for something I said and I can't remember the words I said? I know that the spirit helped them hear exactly what they needed to hear. So grateful for that.

Mary K Durnham  - Dad put his daughter on his back to swim across the lake. She got too heavy. Called out but no one could hear. We all experience this feeling. Took his heavy shoes off his feet and propelled themselves to safety.
After baptism we hear "Receive the holy ghost" not passive but a priesthood injunction.
How do we increase the capacity of our little ones?
Teach them to recognize the voice of the Lord as Eli facilitated Samuel.
Make our homes an "immersion program" Help our children learn how the HG speaks to them. Visually, auditory, kinesthetically? Recurring thought or a feeling of comforting after they cry is the HG. Teaching children to focus on what they feel and acting on it. Repeatedly doing this will increase their capacity. "Be more confident in what you feel" (Richard G. Scott) The children will be able to release their own heavy weights and move forward.

Donald Hallstrom - We are children of a living God. Sacred name is Heavenly Father. Moses said, "Who are thou? I am a son of God" upon meeting Satan. Paul taught the Athenians on Mars Hill they were offspring of God. Many other stories.
First Pres: 1995 "Each of us is a beloved son or daughter of God."
So basic and oft stated that it can seem to be ordinary when in fact it is the most extradorinary doctrine. Foundational to understanding the plan of salvation. We could all sing "I Am A Child of God." but do we really know it in our minds, hearts and souls?
On earth we identify from country, profession, hobby etc - not wrong unless they interfere with the basic understanding that we are all children of God. 
On earth there are injustices and disappointments. So easy to gradually lose our connection with Christ. There are health setbacks, doctrine or history of the church can be hard to understand? Is there confusion or doubt? Or is our first response to remember who we are. 
Meeting in Monrovia during the Ebola crisis - only 3500 seats. Final count was 4100. It was not easy for saints to gather but they came, most arriving early. The spiritual atmosphere was electric. The saints were ready to listen. They would all repeat the words of whatever scripture was started by a speaker.
Elder Bednar - very spiritual talk - "Everyone know the hymn Firm As A Foundation? "Yes!" Let's sing v 1,2,3, 7 and they sang... THEY ALL KNEW THE 7TH verse and increased in sound as they reached it. Unbelievable feeling....

Elder Gary E. Stevenson - End of a cold ski day. Couldn't find keys!!! Everything in the car ready to warm us but without keys couldn't. So grateful for the restoration of the gospel. 1829 John the Baptist conferred the keys to Joseph and Oliver. Soon after Melch priesthood keys conferred. etc. Visited Harmony and Susquehanna river where new visitor center "Priesthood" site. Never again will saints be "locked out" of priesthood ordinances.
1- prepare for missionary service  - keys of the gathering restored in our day
2- attend the temple - ordinances performed here enable us to return to our heavenly parents
 (story) mom takes kids to temple to do baptisms - as they leave asked to help with a huge stack just arrived - it was HER ancestors too!
3- Go forward with faith - to help you become all you should be become: pray, read scrip, obey, be humble and you will have opportunities to serve.

Kevin R. Duncan - We live in evil day. There is no soul who will not be the victim of another's sin. We all have this in common. He has prepared a way for us to navigate the misdeeds of others. We can forgive so we are not a "victim" twice. 
Sliver story - daily applied ointment and a bandage and one day the sliver had emerged. The ointment had softened the skin and the sliver could get out. Apply healing ointment of the Savior's Atonement.
Helps us see the person as God sees them. - Saul's story To forgive is not to condone. We do not allow bad behavior BECAUSE of their past but we can get greater understanding and peace if we see them as God sees them. We are not judged by the worst thing we have ever done. "I will forgive whom I will forgive but of you it is required to forgive all men." The Lord's prayer: Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Ask God to help you forgive. He wants us to love one another as He loves us.

Steven E. Snow - Emma asked to compile hymns. Many from other faiths but 26 from WW Phelps, who helped publish it. New hymn is "Be Thou Humble" by Krekje Holi who passed away last year. (D&C 110 and Ether 12:27)  She joined church in 1950 in HI. She helped adapt the hymns for many languages.
If we are humble and faithful we will ultimately return to presence of HF. Humble ourselves as a little child. 
Don't break your child's spirit but nurture their self confidence and esteem. Teach them to take joy in success of siblings, etc. Humility is essential to gain the blessings of the gospel and have broken hearts and makes it possible to repent. We can be better people. Unnecessary pride can dissolve relationships. Say "I'm sorry. etc." 
Remain humble and teachable. Faith and testimony will grow. 

Elder Dale G. Renlund - Asked advice about helping saints in poverty, he was told great truth: that the greater the distance between giver and the receiver, the greater the sense of entitlement. Because of proximity to givers, less likely to feel entitled. The greater we distance ourselves rom the Savior the greater the sense of entitlement grows. We feel that God has an obligation to fix things, and fix things now. Nephi and brothers great example of this. Laman and Lemuel saw things as "their due" - disgruntled entitlement and did not look unto the Lord with the right attitude. Because they were distant they murmured and became contentious.
Life would be the most unfair for Jesus Christ. The closer the Christ we are the ore we appreciate his innocent suffering. Our absolute distance is important but the direction we are heading is the most important. God is more pleased with repentant sinners than self righteous people. Drawing near to the Savior causes us to change. When we figuratively return to the stable where Jesus rests upon the straw we can stop doing things to further cause the Savior and God grief. They will help us if we turn to them. "My father sent me that I might be lifted on the cross and draw all men unto me. According to the power of the Father I will draw men unto me."
Sacrament indispensable to feel closer to God and Savior. The sacrament truly helps us know of our salvation. Without it we could never stand clean before God. Because of the atonement of Jesus Christ there will be no unfairness All that is unfair about life can be made right. Through God's kindness, compassion and love. We will receive more than we deserve. 

Elder Ronald Rasband - "Face to Face" youth meeting with youth leaders broadcast to 140 countries 
Bonnie Oscarson, Steve Owen and Elder Rasband answered questions and introduced the theme "Press Forward with a steadfastness in Christ." We learned the youth loved the Lord and and want their questions answered. I said, "The leaders of this church are no strangers to your issues and concerns. We are praying for you and talking about you in the most sacred of places."
Peter answers the Lord's call, "If it be thou, call to me." The Lord said, "Come." When Peter became afraid the Lord reached out his hand and saved him. He will do the same for all of us. 

Elder Neil Anderson - I embrace youth and children who do not come from "picture perfect" families and yet still come to church. We will continue to teach the Lord's pattern for families but with the diversity we have now we need to be even more thoughtful and insensitive. Reach out to those who need you.

Mervyn B. Arnold (Seventy) - His mother rescued those struggling and less active, assigned and unassigned. When she was homebound she wrote letters. As we go to the rescue he gives us power and blessings. Moses was afraid because of his lack of eloquence. Lord said, "Who made your mouth? I will go with you and help you."
1- Don't delay going to the rescue.. you will be held accountable  2- Never give up "I thought you were going to bring someone special... come on in Merv" 3- How great shall be your joy if you bring one soul unto Christ  4- No matter our age we are all called to go to the rescue. The Lord has provided all the tools we need for rescuing.

Jairo Mazzagardi (Seventy) Prayed after open house and received clear answer and asked to be baptized. Right before the dedication of the Sao Paulo temple. Do not give up if you have questions in your heart

Elder David Bednar - Always retaining a remission of our sins. In mortality we experience the opportunity for spiritual rebirth. Sacrament and service provides a way for us to remain in a constant state of remission of sins. We don't need to "revisit" the feelings of innocence and purity of our baptism. We are meant to progress from ordinance to ordinance.  

Elder M Russell Ballard - Family Councils, at least 4 kinds: from general to one on one. Have a basket for technical items. The Lord has proved a way to counter the negative influence. He has provided the council system to safeguard our most precious relationships.

President Thomas S Monson
Choices - If you don't know where you are going, it doesn't matter which road you choose! Choose the "harder right" and you will build a strong foundation of faith to thwart the plans of the adversary.

Bonnie Oscarson
Ethan's story about pneumonia."Do you believe it or not?" Think of the claims we make! We believe that these distinguishing features make our church the only true church on the earth. She then lists the things required for constant conversion. 

W. Christopher Waddell
"Sometimes it's just hard for me to think about Jesus!" Dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to all of us. No one is exempt. We have been promised peace with a condition attached. We need not fear because "In me ye might have peace." Simple pattern: learn of me and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my spirit and ye shall have peace. ...Learn, listen, and walk. Learn: Temple points us to Jesus Christ.  Listen: v 26 mocking from the great spacious building (only 'tasted' the fruit), v 33 (partaking continuously) we heeded them not - we can't have a part time commitment. Satan offers a counterfeit of safety - spacious bldg had no foundation. Walk: from Gethsemane to Calvary with him.

Elder D Todd Christofferson
Fathers - We believe in the ideal of the man who puts his family first. Working and family are overlapping domains.

Elder Quentin L Cook
The church is rolling forth. Pres Monson an apostle there were 12 temples - now 150 working and 177 when all announced are working! Joy in the announcement of the Quito Temple. If you haven't attend the temple you haven't received all this church has to offer you. Those with truly broken hearts and contrite are always welcome in the temple. We are all equal before God. 

Pres Dieter F Uchtdorf
Wondered how the destruction of the war our own people had started could ever be fixed. Lutheran church in Dresden, If man can take these broken remains and build an awe- inspiring structure that reaches to the heavens, how much more capable is the Lord to do this from a person's life remains. Reach out to those who are lost and don't condemn, shun or shame them. God will not rescue us against our will. If you cannot say you have the faith that God is there, begin with hope. Act on the hope and reach out to HF. In time you will recognize His love. Grows with every step of faith you take. We call these steps of faith, obedience. As we increase in faith, we must also increase in faithfulness.
Obedience is the process we discover what we are made of - precious and highly refined, truly what we really are. I fear, brethren, that some of among us may one day wake up and realize what power in the priesthood really is and face the deep regret that they spent far more time seeking power over others or power at work than learning to exercise fully the power of God. 
President George Albert Smith taught that 'we are not here to while away the hours of this life and then pass to a sphere of exaltation; but we are here to qualify ourselves day by day for the positions that our Father expects us to fill hereafter." Why would any man waste his days and settle for Esau's mess of pottage when he has been entrusted with the possibility of receiving all of the blessings of Abraham? I urgently plead with each one of us to live up to our privileges as bearers of the priesthood. In a coming day, only those men who have taken their priesthood seriously, by diligently seeking to be taught by the Lord Himself, will be able to bless, guide, protect, strengthen, and others. Only a man who has paid the price for priesthood power will be able to bring miracles to those he loves and keep his marriage and family safe, now and throughout eternity.

Steven W Owen - "Who is the greatest leader who ever lived? - what would you say? The answer, of course, is Jesus Christ. He sets the perfect example of every imaginable leadership quality. But what if I were to ask you, "Who is the greatest follower who ever lived - wouldn't the answer again be Jesus Christ? He is the greatest leader because He is the greatest follower. He follows His Father perfectly, in all things.

The world teaches that leaders must be mighty; the Lord teaches that they must be meek. Worldly leaders gain power and influence through their talent, skill, and wealth  Christlike leaders gain power and influence "by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness and by love unfeigned." 
In God's eyes, the greatest leaders have always been the greatest followers.
Your ability to lead does not come from an outgoing personality, motivational skills, or even a talent for pubic speaking. It comes from your commitment to follow Jesus Christ. It comes from a desire to be, in Abraham's words, "a greater follower of righteousness." If you can do that - even if you aren't perfect at it, but you're trying- then you are a leader.

Pres Henry B Eyring - Everything we do should have celestial marriage as its focus and purpose. That means we must strive to be sealed to an eternal companion in the temple of God. We must also encourage others to make and keep the covenants that bind a husband and wife together, with their family, in this life and in the world to come.

Pres Thomas S Monson - Wherever you go, your priesthood goes with you. Are you standing in holy places? Before you put yourself and your priesthood in jeopardy by venturing into places or participating in activities which are not worthy of you or of that priesthood, pause to consider the consequences. Remember who you are and what God expects you to become. You are a child of promise. You are a man of might. You are a son of God. 

This precious gift of priesthood power brings with it not only solemn responsibilities but also special blessings for ourselves and for others. May we, in whatever place we may find ourselves, always be worthy to call upon its power, for we never know when our need an dour opportunity to do so may come.

Pres Dieter F Uchtdorf - Now, just one word to those of our single brethren who follow the deception that they first have to find the "perfect woman" before they can enter into serious courting or marriage. My beloved brethren, may I remind you, if there were a perfect woman, do you really think she would be that interested in you?

In God's plan of happiness, we are not so much looking for someone perfect but for a person with whom, throughtout a lifetime, we can join efforts to create a loving, lasting, and more perfect relationship. That is the goal.
Indeed, if charity is the pure love of Christ, then pride is the defining characteristic of Satan.

Elder Robert D Hales
Holy Ghost is different from the Light of Christ, which is in and through all things. HG is a personage. Not given to control us. "If there be a prophet among you, with him will I speak mouth to mouth." (Moses, Aaron and Miriam) Through HG we will be able to discern the difference between correct doctrine or the teaching of men. Story about stopping to shake hands and talk with missionary.

Gerrit W Gong
Remembering.... It is not the word of God that is frustrated, it is the work of men. When we fully repent, the Lord remembers our sin no more. To be worthy does not mean to be perfect. With God there is no point of no return. Remember Him during the Sacrament and as we pray. Always.

Patrick Kearon
Refugees - One in every 122 humans have been forced to flee their homes. Half are children. Leaving homes, schools, and jobs. Be liberal when giving to them. Relief Effort: I Was A  Take a stand against intolerance. Stakes of Zion are meant to be places of refuge. 

Elder Dallin H Oaks
Mercy satisfies the eternal demands of justice. The Savior, Jesus Christ. There must needs be opposition in all things. Satan's plan would have insured PERFECT equality. No agency or choice by anyone and therefore no need for opposition. Opposition enables choice. Making right choices leads to accomplishing the purposes of the Lord's plan. Satan stirs up, pacifies or lies. We are warned not to be at ease in Zion. Questions are honored. Opposition is not. Know them by their fruits. Some members left without answers even with all the church has said. 

Kent F. Richards
Temples - place to go for complete relief, power and strength. Everything we do in the Church - every meeting, activity, lesson, and service - is to prepare each of us to come to the temple and kneel at the altar to receive all the Father's promised blessings for eternity. You become an instrument in His hands when you take a name through the temple. Come to the temple often.

Paul V Johnson
Lost his daughter a year ago to cancer. Easter is the holiday to celebrate the greatest event ever, the resurrection.. a total victory over death. There is no salvation without our spirit AND our body. Each has weakness which will be resolved after resurrection. He takes away all injustices and pain

Elder Jeffrey R Holland
Wonderful Conference but I do see a couple problems... I'm standing between you and the ice cream you always have after conference. The other is "tomorrow"  We want to hold fast to the spiritual impressions we've had and the inspired teachings we've heard. After you were illuminated you endured a great affliction. (Paul) It's hard to come down from mountaintops. If you see limitations in yourself and those around you, please don't be cast down in spirit and don't give up. They're intended to give you hope and not discourage you. Satan can't improve or progress but we can... and the beauty of the gospel is that we get credit for trying. The Lord blesses those who want to improve. First great commandment is smiliar to the great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of his might, mind and strength. GQ Cannon, "No matter how serious the trial, or deep sea of affliction, God will never desert us. He cannot do it. It is not his character to do so. He will always stand by us. We may pass through the fiery furnace and deep waters but we shall not be overwhelmed or consumed. We will emerge better."  
We can escape stupidity, ours and others, if we do the best we can to live the gospel. Tomorrow and every other day is ultimately going to be magnificent... even if we don't always recognize it to be so. Why? Because HF wants it to be! All things work together for the good of them that love God.

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