Thursday, August 10, 2017

Labor and Delivery Pending

If you've ever had a baby you know what I'm talking about. You're in the last trimester and it suddenly dawns on you, there is no way to turn back and not finish this. You HAVE to deliver this baby, somehow. The blessing is that the closer you get to the due date the more ready you become. Your pain and discomfort become the motivation to go through whatever you have to, to finally bring your baby into the world and have joy!

This analogy came to me as a sort of epiphany: I'm "pregnant" with melanoma. I have tumors growing everywhere and there is NO WAY out of this ending. Right now I'm not in a lot of discomfort, other than the usual aches and pains that come with old age, but the tumors will continue to grow until one affects a necessary body system. The pain and discomfort will bring about the readiness to deliver "myself" into heaven and it will be my turn to enter the Spirit World.

I'm just praying for a short labor...


  1. Debbie- Im in Utah and would like to see you! I left your number at home so will try to connect! Love you

    1. LOVED catching up with you Lori! Thank you so much for thinking of me! So many great and heartwarming memories with you! So grateful for your enduring friendship and support! LOVE YOU!

  2. My heart breaks, and yet, isn't the whole idea of being HERE to learn, grow, do good, and then go home. You have accomplished all of that and more, taking many of us along on your journey. Thank you for the life lessons I've observed and learned from you. I love you with all my heart and it is breaking. But at least the sadness is in the separation for a time and not a worry of where you are going - to the TOP!! Love you, love you, LOVE YOU.

  3. Great analogy. This is a good way to understand a difficult situation. Giving birth; if you haven’t done it yourself, then your friend or sister has shared those 9 months with you. Even sons go through this with their wife. Great comparison. That last trimester can be a killer. No sleep, discomfort, expectation, fear… but also hopefulness, anticipation and promise.
    When I read what you wrote I immediately thought “she is teaching her children!
    In your wisdom you've given them a way to understand. Way to go Debbie. You are an inspired mom.

  4. Wow, I agree! Beautiful analogy, Debbie. You're always giving, teaching, and growing. One of my first memories of you was just after my baby Josh was born. You cheerfully and excitedly visited me and brought an adorable frame held by a teddy bear. There for me following my last trimester- of pregnancy. Thanks for all you teach me to this day. You are a gift. Love you! ❤️
