Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Season of Gifts

"Christ's life and light have been ever enduring and constant. 
His birth was unique. 
Adoration of Him follows recognition of who He is.
Kind acts will be the conduit for the gift of His love."

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tips Are Appreciated

For several years we have gone to a local nursery to get a live Christmas tree. We usually go early to get a good fresh one that will fill our home with the delicious smell of pine and help us visualize the grandchildren running around the house. 

This year we went the morning after Thanksgiving to find the nursery employees just pulling newly shipped trees from the trucks, their breaths making frosty puffs in the early morning air. They were happy to let us look but we didn't see "that one special tree" we needed. The employee might have been inspired as he gave us a quick tip. "That little Christmas tree lot down on 5th West by Pace's Dairy Ann is up this morning. I saw it on my way to work."

With very little time and nothing to lose, we drove straight there and pulled in, the only customers in the dirt parking lot. We were cheerfully greeted by three gum-chewing young teenagers, none of them looking old enough to drive, let alone manage the drill and credit card swipe machine they proudly displayed on a little table in front of a mini aluminum trailer draped with festive flags and tinsel.

Their distinctive smiles removed any doubt about being siblings, probably 14, 12 and 11 years old. The oldest was in overalls and a sleeveless tank shirt and I wondered if he was cold in the morning chill? He just shrugged with a smile, "Naw, it's not bad,” and turned back to the trailer to get a measuring pole. His younger brother and sister followed us around with a clipboard, making notes about each tree we stopped to consider, one wearing a cardboard sign that said, "Tips Are Appreciated" and the other managing an enthusiastic dog tied to a thick string. Curious about this gum chewing trio who didn’t seem to be affected by the weather, I asked them where they were from and where were their parents? The sister answered that their dad was with the rest of the family at their other tree lot in a suburb about 30 miles away and their mom was out getting them hats. (Of all the incredible Black Friday deals out there and she’s getting them hats????)
My husband and I looked at each other and KNEW that we would be buying a tree from this lot… just as an even younger sister came out of the trailer carrying a barefoot toddler on her back. She held out a well handled foil-wrapped stick of gum to us and said with the exact same smile as the others, “Would you like some gum?” 
Awestruck, I asked them, “How many are in your family?”
The oldest son proudly offered, “There’s 11 of us!”
And then as an afterthought, “And we take in foster kids too.”

The 7 year old grew tired of carrying the barefoot toddler on her back and tried to transfer her to the oldest brother. He whispered, “I CAN’T right now... I have to load a tree!” and then totally melted my heart by leaning over and pressing the most gentle, sweet kiss on her forehead.

Needless to say we had them load up the biggest tree on the lot and enjoyed watching them decide who was going to have the honor of swiping the card. Did the 12 year old drill a straight hole for the tree stand? Of course not… but I’ve been glowing ever since. 

Now some might be skeptical or jaded or find things to detract from the warmth we felt, but really… Why Not Believe?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Heavenly Messengers

My beautiful friend, Valerie. The light that shines in her face is fueled by a testimony born of fire and the spirit. Seven years ago she experienced what every parent fears most: the death of a child, from an accident no one could have foreseen or prevented. She and her wonderful husband were examples of love and spiritual strength throughout the whole process. She comforted those who came to comfort her, no matter the hour or situation. To this day, she doesn't claim any special powers or strength but she knows where to find it.

One snowy day, following my diagnosis of melanoma, my feet took me to her door. I hadn't planned on seeing her and yet there I was. Of course, she dropped everything and asked if she could walk home with me. As we walked and talked about life's unexpected challenges, and how we deal with the pain of the mourning that follows loss, she said many reassuring things. One was this quote by Joseph F. Smith.

"When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are...our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, (children), and friends who have passed away from earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy their gifts and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof and instruction to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh." 

-Joseph F. Smith. 
 Journal of Discourses/ Volume 22 

It was this quote, her incredible depth and the sure knowledge that her son is never far away, that prompted this response to a friend of hers who had also lost a child, aptly comparing it to having a constant hole in the floor of your house you need to navigate around.

"I understand the hole that you feel in your family and your home. I think of our son every day and sometimes those thoughts are hard and unbearable but most of the time the memories are amazing and wonderful. I like to think of this "hole" as a hole in the ceiling where I can choose to stand under and bask in Scott's sunshine. I want to stand under the "hole" in my ceiling and look up and thank God for the 15 years that he shared Scott with us. Because of the great things you have done in your daughter's honor I'm sure that you understand that while I wish that this hole had never been ripped into my ceiling I also hope it never goes away or is covered. Like you, I am trying to live in the joy of his life rather than the grief of his death."

I LOVE it! She's amazing! I'm so grateful for her and many other friends and family members that serve as "heavenly messengers" for me as I travel through this earthly life. God truly does show His constant love and awareness of us through others. I feel so blessed!

          Click here to hear "You've Been With Me All This Time" by Britt Nicole
Found this cute presentation of a great thought that fits here.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Feeling Lost or Stranded?

Beacons in Our Life
(Talk given by Michael L. Beus, Farmington Utah North Stake Conference, June 2014)

Have you ever felt lost in the dark and stranded all alone?
Maybe you have felt misplaced or forgotten?
Have you ever wondered, "What just happened?"
"What is to become of me or my family?"

Some years ago when my oldest son was 17, he and my youngest son, and my nephew and I, climbed into an old small airplane. It had only 4 seats, one for each of us. We were so excited to attend the largest flying event in the United States, held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.The instruments to navigate were also old and I had planned to purchase a new radio and what was then, new technology, a GPS, once we arrived at the air show. Being without reliable instruments, I had arranged to follow a good friend who was an experienced pilot, who would lead the way in his plane. It all sounded so perfect.

We took off together in the evening and flew eastward with the sun setting behind us. Our first fuel stop would be in the middle of Wyoming, just 2 hours away. All was well for the first hour and then as the sun began to fade.... I lost sight of him in the haze. No worries I thought, I had a hand-held radio, so I could still talk to him. 

Wrong. Unfortunately, the radio communication with my friend disappeared at the same time I lost visual contact with his plane's flashing beacon.

WHAT NEXT???? Darkness came quickly and we felt stranded in the sky. I knew we had been heading toward Rawlins, Wyoming, but I had counted on my friend to guide me. The only navigational equipment my airplane had was an old radio receiver designed to pick up signals from ground beacons scattered across each state. FORTUNATELY, it worked when I turned it on and I began to search for a beacon signal that would allow me to locate our position.

I waited for the receiver to pick up the signal....but nothing happened. WHAT TO DO NOW??.. I looked at the map and could only approximate where we must be and where the nearest beacon should be. I changed course to head in that direction. With mountains now invisible in the darkness, I had to have that signal to pin point where we were. We kept flying on, but the signal STILL did not come. Anxiety began to build.

Wikipedia: Ground Radio Beacon (VOR)
Eventually.....TO MY GREAT RELIEF....the needle started to move as it picked up the ground signal from the nearest VOR. 
NOW, with this confirmation, I was able to determine where we were and aim the little plane toward where the next beacon should be. As we flew beyond this beacon's reach, we lost its signal and for a time we were between signals over the very dark desert of Wyoming. There was nothing, no city lights, no car head lights, nothing but darkness.

I didn't know how long it would take to pick up the next beacon signal. I wondered what I would do if the receiver didn't pick it up or if the beacon was even working? WHAT IF, WHAT IF.... I was hoping and praying our small plane flying through the dark night would remain safely on course to the next beacon.

It was during this time of waiting for the next signal I experienced what it feels like to have your mouth go completely dry from SHEER FEAR. Some call it cotton mouth. I was SO scared. I remember looking at the 3 boys with me, 2 young priests and a little deacon, unaware of the danger they were in. I remember so well, asking the Lord TO PLEASE help us find our way, these boys need to grow up, serve missions, marry and have families of their own. Please help me make good decisions so we can arrive safely. It was very a humbling experience.

After what seemed like an eternity, another signal did appear and I knew again we were on the right course. One more beacon to find and we would be at our destination.

The last beacon was not a radio signal, but a flashing light at the airport's runway. When we saw it, I was SO relieved because that was where we could finally land the plane and connect with my now very concerned friend. It had taken a long time, but we had made it. We had ZIG ZAGGED across the night skies of Central Wyoming guided by beacons to reach our destination. I was so very grateful when we were finally safe on the ground. Prayers had been answered that night. 

There are a number of things that can be learned from this experience. The FIRST GUIDING BEACON had been my friend, the more experienced pilot and the visual of his plane in front of us. We were able to see and talk to him until suddenly we couldn't. It happened so fast. Visual and audio communication gone! Just like that. WHAT NEXT???? Because it was pitch black all around us, we needed true direction to avoid finding the mountains the hard way.... pun intended. We had to look for another source as a beacon. This was the radio signal from the beacons located on the ground. With their signal we felt confident we could proceed on. Eventually, we were able to see the flashing light next to the runway, a final beacon, telling us where we could land and be safe at last!!!

Now, I go back to the questions I asked in the beginning:
Have you ever felt lost in the dark and stranded all alone?
Have you ever felt like your path might be zigging or even zagging?
Maybe you have felt misplaced or forgotten?
Have you ever wondered, "What just happened?"
"What is to become of me or my family?"

President Uchdorf, in a Gen. Conf. address (April 2011) said, "... It is part of our condition as mortal beings to sometimes feel as though we are surrounded by darkness. We might have lost a loved one; a child might have strayed; we might have received a troubling medical diagnosis; we might have employment challenges and be burdened by doubts or fears; or we might feel alone or unloved. But even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, God promises the hope of His light—He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness."

In life's journey amid the many challenges, there are reassuring beacons the Lord has set up to guide and help us find our course if we are lost. 

1. One beacon would be righteous leaders. These may include parents, teachers, ward leaders, and so on. We can see and talk to them, just like I could see and talk to my friend flying before me as I started our flight. Righteous leaders, in all the various responsibilities function as guiding beacons. Church leaders are under the direction of the living prophet,
President Thomas S. Monson, who possesses and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys. He with his counselors and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles are called to serve as prophets, seers and revelators. They are beacons to the world.They speak the will of the Lord: "Doctrine and Covenants 1:38–39 “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”
The Primary song, Follow the Prophet, has great wisdom for those who might feel lost: Follow the prophet, follow the prophet,
Follow the prophet; don't go astray.

Follow the prophet, follow the prophet,
Follow the prophet; he knows the way.   This counsel is protective!

2. Next.... Sometimes, we may find ourselves confronted with a challenge and for various reasons, do not have visual or audio contact with our beacon leaders. My situation on that dark night over Wyoming was terrifying when I lost contact with my friend. Maybe you have sometime in your life felt alone or frightened by the darkness and needed comfort. A beacon each baptized member receives, is the Holy Ghost, to guide and comfort you in your journey. It is a sort of internal beacon to be felt and to indicate a safe direction. In the Book of John, the Savior says, 
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, 
that he may abide with you for ever." (John 14:16)
He will “guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)
“teach you all things” (John 14:26) and 
“shall testify of me” (John 15:26).

Through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, this beacon will help you recognize and understand truth and be guided to in your decisions. The privilege of enjoying His constant companionship and feeling the calming comfort from Him is conditional upon obedience and faithfulness. 
John 14:27 
Peace I leave with you, 
my peace I give unto you: 
not as the world giveth, give I unto you. 
Let not your heart be troubled, 
neither let it be afraid.

3. There are other beacons, dotted around the globe shining forth light, some on hill tops. Inside is found direction, truth beckoning us to come and receive a fullness of light. These temples are, in President Monson's words, "Beacons to the world... an expression of our testimony that God lives and desires to bless us. Each of our temples is an expression of our testimony that life beyond the grave is as real and as certain as is our life here on earth."

Earthly life is not easy. We need all the help and protection we can get. President Monson goes on to say: "...The world can be a challenging and difficult place in which to live. We are often surrounded by that which would drag us down. As you and I go to the holy houses of God, as we remember the covenants we make within, we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation. In this sacred sanctuary we will find peace; we will be renewed and fortified."

President Monson asks:..."Why are so many willing to give so much in order to receive the blessings of the temple? He answers this saying: "Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings... They understand that the saving ordinances received in the temple that permit us to someday return to our Heavenly Father in an eternal family relationship and to be endowed with blessings and power from on high are worth every sacrifice and every effort."

4. Lastly, that final beacon I saw rotating in the darkness of night next to the runway, showing me where to land safely, was a relief I will never forget.
The Savior is the ultimate of all beacons we look to. 
It reads in John 8: 12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying.
I am the light of the world: 
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 
but shall have the light of life.

The Savior's Atonement is a beacon 
that shines brightly towards every mortal soul to have ever lived. 
The Atonement is, as Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated, 
"the center and core and heart of revealed religion. 
It is indeed the keystone of Christianity 
and the foundation of a spiritual life. 
It is the beacon light for a benighted world. 
It is the fountain from which all hopes spring."

The Atonement is our singular hope for a meaningful life. "The Atonement not only rescues us but also exemplifies Jesus's character. His character can guide us, beacon-like, in the midst of our own afflictions, since these constitute the necessary crucible for the further refining and confirmation of our own character."  (-Neal Maxwell) 

Conclusion The phrase "...Come, follow meis our invitation from the Savior. He is that bright beacon we look to for direction and guidance home to our Father in Heaven. Our journey is challenging. We have all been given weaknesses with the opportunity to become stronger if we humble ourselves and have faith (Ether 12:27). We may feel lost and alone at times, but we will never be without beacons around us that have been strategically placed to give us direction and keep us safe. If we lose sight or stray from our course, we have help to get back on track. 1) Righteous leaders, 2) the comforter 3) temples are powerful beacons whose signals are strong if we are receptive, and 4) the Savior. In Alma 37:44 it states " ...give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you (a) straight course to eternal bliss." What has he said, we must do: John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

I bear testimony that He is the everlasting beacon, the light and life of this world and the eternal world to come. His Atonement is real and it is for all who believe and obey His word. In His name, amen.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

There are Melodies In Each Of Us

Years ago I taught a lesson about how each of us are musical instruments in God's Symphony, creating a masterpiece as we contribute our unique sound in ways that only we can, day after day… year after year…

When I heard David Archuleta's new song it resonated (pun intended) within my soul, saying lyrically everything I'd been thinking! I wanted to share it's beauty with anyone who hasn't heard it yet!

"Keep listening and pretty soon you'll figure out your part. Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies in each one of us. Oh, it's glorious!"

I love the sound of a cello. So full and rich. Here's one of my favorite videos by one of my favorite groups featuring a cello:
Click here to listen to Beethoven's 5 Secrets
 Piano Guys in Red Butte Gardens

Look at the cellist's tear-streamed face as he plays his part, so joyously, KNOWING that he is doing exactly what he was called to do.

I mean it's really Glorious!
I wonder if we will look back on our lives and feel this overwhelming joy, the kind that causes tears to stream down our cheeks, when we realize we were EXACTLY where we were supposed to be… doing EXACTLY what we were supposed to be doing. Playing the melody that is ours to play!

I was once asked to perform in a small string quartet at an event. At the first rehearsal I realized all the instruments were taking turns playing a phrase at the exact moment it was my turn to repeat the phrase… Fear gripped my talent in deathlike grasp… I was so afraid to make a mistake I played it softly, so softly that even I could hardly hear it! The conductor looked down at my 14 year old face and smiled encouragingly and motioned for me to play louder. If we trust our creator to know what part we are to play in the great symphony of life, and envision His loving face encouraging us when it is our turn to shine, we can play out loudly and confidently… joining the whole earth in praise!
(Psalms 98:4-9)

I want to be happy 
adding my own sound to the symphony of life... 
just making my own melody measure after measure, day after day, year after year… I  hope I'm not too distracted by wishing to be what I'm not, and that I have the courage to play out strong when it's time for my melody to be heard. 

When our family was small, my mother played Prokofiev's Symphony "Peter and the Wolf" for us while we listened to the different sounds of the instruments, our imaginations creating the images of the exciting story. Something like this:

Listen here for a brief introduction to each of the instruments playing the theme for their character.

Even still to this day, Peter's carefree theme by the strings overshadowed by the french horns haunting melody portraying the wolf gives me an uneasy chill of dread. If you want to skip the scary part you can go straight to 21:20 where Peter triumphantly catches the wolf, too late for the duck, however.

An oboe is the ONLY instrument that could portray the melody for the doomed duck just as the clarinet the cat, the bassoon the grandpa, and you get the idea. How foolish would it be for an oboe to wish to sound like a cello. Very foolish indeed. The oboe really does a magnificent job of doing the melody justice in "Gabriel's Oboe" from the main theme of "The Mission" soundtrack.

 Click here to listen to "Gabriel's Oboe"

I mean, imagine Dueling Banjos with bassoons?!?!?
Click here

Okay…. enough… you get the idea! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thankful Thursday

This picture is from last Thursday on a "Gratitude Trip" to the Bountiful Temple. There have been many times I've gone to the temple desperately needing patience and peace, but that day I had gone just to say thank you for so many blessings. Our daughter had just announced her engagement to a young man we really like. We are thrilled for her! She wondered how we could be so excited… seeing that she will be the third child married within 7 months???

Any parent will tell you, when your child finds that amazing other half, that eternal companion to go through life are SO HAPPY each time! The true joy is that all three will have been sealed for time and eternity to their spouses, surrounded by their families, at the beautiful altars of the Bountiful Utah Temple.

Making the night even more special, my newly married daughter and her wonderful husband unexpectedly joined the same endowment session! Such a gift! My heart was full to the brim with gratitude, full of thanks to my Heavenly Father for all our many blessings.

Taken in May but already outdated! 
Copyright Crow Candy Photography by Chelsea Leigh

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

You Never Know

 My days were full of forgettable things.
--Neil Marriott, General Women's Mtg, Sept 2014

I loved the opening session of General Conference this year, the General Women's Meeting! The video Mormon Message called "You Never Know" was on my mind as I had watched it that day and read the comments underneath, some so critically picking it apart and focusing on the scripted events and responses chosen. Many seemed to completely miss the point … in fact they didn't even address the very TITLE of it and archly observed they should have done it differently…

Well, I totally recognized myself in ninety percent of the film! (Beautifully orchestrated by my dear friend Robert Elliott.) In fact, I felt like I was watching MY days with a busy husband, six involved children, aging nearby grandparents, all while performing church and community service to the best of my ability. "How on earth did I get through it?" were my thoughts as watched the video.

I discussed my feelings with my now grown daughter, not a mother yet but sincerely able to grasp my thoughts. Me: "You know I really related to how Neil Marriott said, 'My days were full of forgettable things as I folded laundry, drove carpool, and made casseroles.' It's all just a big blur now. A lot of things were pure drudgery, forgettable and unimportant, but service none the less…."

My daughter was silent for a minute and then said, "Well, everything you did was important to me!"

And in that sentence she succinctly summed up the whole point of the whole video. You never know…

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hinderment is Hazardous

While we are on the earth, our bodies form a protective shield for our imperfect thoughts as we grow and mature, but it also prevents us from knowing why and how a person came to feel and believe the way they do. The spirit is the only way we can understand the "feelings and context" of others. 

There are many ways to say the same thing, just as there are many ways to infer what a person is implying. We can use "compassionate language" and "compassionate thought" by cultivating the influence of the Holy Ghost in our dealings with our fellow travelers within and without the church. 

"I bear humble witness that we can "minister grace" through compassionate language when the cultivated gift of the Holy Ghost pierces our hearts with empathy for the feelings and context of others. It enables us to transform hazardous situations into holy places. I testify of a loving Savior who "looketh on [our] heart" and cares what we are thinking."
   --Elder Craig L Zwick 

Free Agency allows us to have our own opinions but it does NOT let us choose the consequences of voicing those opinions. Regarding those who would cause agitation and dissension in those earnestly seeking the peace found within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, choose carefully, those words which form the thoughts you share. 

Becoming a great "hinderment" is hazardous. 

Charity is the pure love of Christ and just as we are asked to cultivate charity for all, we are required to forgive all. To do anything other than using compassionate language and compassionate thought puts us in the same precarious position Alma the Younger found himself in Mosiah 27:9-10. (Book of Mormon)

 And he became a great hinderment to the prosperity of the Church of God; stealing away the hearts of the people; causing much dissension among the people; giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them.

If we are truly converted we would NOT want to give the enemy of God ANY power over His children. 

True believers would want to protect His children from anything that would separate us from His Love. The following talk given by Elder Bruce R. McConkie in the October 1984 General Conference can give us a clear view of where we stand by answering his "test questions" and give us a visual to cling to, trusting completely in an omnipotent and omniscient Heavenly Father whose entire purpose of being is to bring about our eternal joy and happiness. 

"If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God, it will, in the end, make no difference what you have chosen instead." --William Law

Click here to listen to The Caravan Moves On

I am so grateful for my lack of agitation. I am so grateful to feel the peace and confidence found from testimony bearing apostles of God. I am so grateful for their guidance, love, and service in His Kingdom. 

I pray that we can turn "hazardous situations into holy places" as we go about our daily lives and nurture the peace that comes from knowing we can love as we are loved.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Do You Love More Than God?

The answer might be WHATEVER YOU THINK ABOUT MOST!!!

I asked myself that question a few years ago and had some spiritual guidance that resulted in my making a commitment to put the Lord FIRST in my life in one very easy specific way! Now, there are some "covenants" I have made with the Lord that are impossible for me to break. I know myself well enough that it would be easier for me to call my first step toward a permanent change in my life a "commitment" instead of "covenant."

Let me first acknowledge that I am NOT perfect in this commitment, but before I do ANYTHING on my phone or computer I try to read the scriptures. Sometimes it's a couple verses or sometimes if I really need spiritual grounding, it's chapters. The Book of Mormon is my favorite book of scripture, but no matter which book I'm reading, something stands out in regards to a problem or challenge or situation I'm concerned about. Here are three gems recently. 

Developing Patience and Faith

The Lord will chasten His people. He will try our patience with looooong trials and allow us to develop the virtue faith and trust in Him so that we may be "lifted up" at the last day.

How COOL that the Atonement not only removes our sins, but we can also let go of the guilt! ------->

Our faith and good works can bring us PEACE from this time forth and forever!

Our answers and reassurances may come in small ways unnoticed if we are not looking for them. In the early Kirtland days of the church the Saints had INCREDIBLE experiences. They saw angels, spoke in tongues, and watched flames ascend from the temple spires! The journals record they felt like they could sacrifice ANYTHING to retain the feeling of "being in the presence of The Lord" and yet when the opportunity to become prosperous through land speculation as the country moved West there were MANY Saints who became distracted and left the church. HALF of the Quorum of the 12 fell to greed's evil influence! 

In speaking of this situation years later the prophet Lorenzo Snow said "We have got to love God more than we love the world. If we in our manner, habits and dealings imitate the world, thereby identifying with the world, do we think God will give us the blessings we desire? No, he will not!"

Now in 2014, more than ever, we are constantly, without even trying, bombarded with worldly things. We have the choice to help the Lord do as the prophet Jeremiah says, "put his law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts" by reading our scriptures and next week we can listen to conference and then read the talks given over and over again until they are "written in our hearts.". 

One of the most touching scriptures is in the Book of Mormon where the Lamonite King tells Ammon "I would give up all my sins to know God!"

I hope you will take the time to ask yourself what you need to give up to know God and allow him to "write in your hearts" and then act on those impressions. I promise you that if nothing else, you will receive peace and confidence and that is no small thing! 

(Given at Heber Valley Campground, July 2014)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

God Will Lift Us Up

Last week a dear friend massaged my aching foot… for a long time. 
My heel had been aching for a long time and she massaged it for a long time. 
So selfless… so Christ-like. 
It was ESPECIALLY Christ-like because 
she KNEW exactly where it hurt and 
what would help make it feel better having suffered from the same affliction.
 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind...he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people… that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. 
- Alma 7:11-12

Robert D. Hales:
 I have often pondered… Why is it that the Son of God, and His holy prophets 
and all the faithful Saints will have trials and tribulations?

Brittany suffers from a difficult illness 
and yet because of that suffering, 
she has been driven to help others who are suffering. 
Sweet sweet video.

At 3:30 the mother's words especially touch me. "I wish it could have been me that suffered." 
Do we not all want to take upon us our children's suffering?
Does that make parenting one of the easiest ways to learn Christlike attributes?
Or hardest?

Henry B. Eyring captures my predicament in an excellent talk in April 2009 on Adversity. 
"There is yet another trial which, when endured well, can bring blessings in this life and blessings forever. Age and illness can test the best of us."

Aging and illness…. my hope and dread as I live each day. 
I bear testimony that Christ does know how to succor us. 
I bear testimony that God WILL lift us up when we need it. 
I have had it happen repeatedly and I know it to be true. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Four Months To Christmas!

It's 85 degrees outside and my body is sweating just thinking about how hot it is outside… Or maybe it's just a hot flash. Anyway, it's hard to imagine the gorgeous flowers in my yard will die and be buried in snow months from now (Check how many days until Christmas -> ) but I definitely got the Christmas spirit as I watched this video. I absolutely love how they use the piano in unexpected ways and even how it was filmed using totally creative ways. This was a joy to watch and I just wanted to share. :)

Angels We Have Heard on High with 32 Fingers and 8 Thumbs!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Keep It Up!

Our stake recently underwent boundary changes, making 10 wards from 8, requiring one ward to attend a church in a neighboring suburb. A lot of people were feeling lost and concerned about the future, a little displaced and out of sorts. Our Stake President was masterful as he conducted the meeting and there was no question when it came time for a vote that the Stake Presidency had made every effort to do the Lord's will. He told us that in order to grow we needed to be challenged and in meeting the challenge we would become what the Lord intended us to be. To the credit of obedient saints, there wasn't one dissenting vote.

This past Sunday our Stake was fortunate to have Elder M. Russell Ballard visit our Stake Conference. It had been 15 years since a General Authority had visited our stake and it will probably be at least that many more years before one visits again. He was inspiring on many levels. I was able to tell him about his words motivating me to begin this blog and he said to "Keep it up!" so I will try to post more often.

My favorite part was while he was speaking to the whole congregation on Sunday morning. He asked all the children to listen closely and he leaned into the microphone and said, "You have the right to be heard and understood but you do not have the right to be disrespectful to your parents." Good words.

He said a lot of encouraging things and told us that when he is very tired and wonders if he will have the strength to attend the next assignment or event, he looks at a picture of the Savior and remembers Him and finds courage to go on. I loved that. I love all of our General Authorities and appreciate the time they spend serving the members of our church.